120 Powerful Journal Prompts for Toxic Relationships

A list of shadow work prompts for toxic relationships

I’ll be sharing some insightful journal prompts for toxic relationships in this blog post. These writing prompts for toxic relationships will encourage you to reflect, heal, and empower yourself.

We’ve all had our fair share of encounters with toxic people, whether personally or professionally.

These relationships can drain our energy, harm our self-esteem, and leave us feeling emotionally exhausted.

There’s a powerful tool that can help us navigate the tangled web of toxicity and find healing along the way.

Yes, you guessed it right! I’m talking about journaling. We can gain clarity, explore our emotions, and ultimately foster personal growth through the pages of our trusted journals.

Without further ado, let’s move on to journal prompts for toxic relationships.

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120 journal prompts for letting go of a toxic relationship

15 journal prompts for when you’re thinking about leaving a relationship

  1. What are the signs and behaviors in my relationship that make me feel unhappy or drained?
  2. What are my fears or concerns about leaving this toxic relationship?
  3. How would my life change if I decided to let go of this toxic relationship?
  4. What are my core values? How does this toxic relationship align (or not align) with them?
  5. What support systems do I have in place or need to establish to help me through this transition?
  6. What are the consequences of staying in this toxic relationship, both for myself and potentially for others involved?
  7. What are my hopes and dreams for my future? How does this toxic relationship hinder or support them?
  8. What steps can I take to start building my self-esteem and self-worth outside of this toxic relationship?
  9. How have I contributed to the toxic dynamics in this relationship? What can I do differently moving forward?
  10. How do I imagine my life without this toxic relationship? What positive changes can I expect?
  11. What are some alternative ways to fulfill my emotional needs and find happiness outside of this toxic relationship?
  12. What are some potential roadblocks or challenges I may face if I decide to leave this toxic relationship? How can I overcome them?
  13. How can I prioritize my own well-being and happiness, even if it means letting go of this toxic relationship?
  14. What are my personal boundaries? How have they been violated in this toxic relationship?
  15. What would I tell a close friend or loved one in a similar situation? How can I apply that advice to my own life?

15 journal prompts for when you have already left the relationship

  1. What emotions am I experiencing now that I’ve left the toxic relationship? How can I process and heal from them?
  2. What life lessons have I learned from this toxic relationship? How can I apply them to my future relationships?
  3. How can I practice self-care and self-compassion during this post-relationship phase?
  4. What new hobbies, interests, or passions can I explore now that I have more time and energy?
  5. How can I rebuild my support network and surround myself with positive influences?
  6. What are some positive affirmations or mantras that can empower me during this healing journey?
  7. How can I create a safe and nurturing environment for myself, both physically and emotionally?
  8. What are my goals for personal growth and self-improvement now that I am no longer in this toxic relationship?
  9. How can I celebrate my newfound freedom and independence?
  10. What are some relationship red flags I will be mindful of in the future?
  11. How can I establish healthy boundaries in my current and future relationships?
  12. What are my non-negotiables and deal-breakers when it comes to relationships?
  13. How can I embrace my newfound single status and cultivate a positive mindset around it?
  14. What are some small steps I can take every day to rebuild my life after leaving the toxic relationship?
  15. How can I forgive myself for any mistakes or choices I made during the course of the toxic relationship?
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15 journal prompts for getting closure and inner peace

  1. What does closure mean to me? How can I find it within myself?
  2. What unanswered questions or unresolved issues do I need to process and release to find closure?
  3. How can I practice forgiveness towards myself and the other person involved in the toxic relationship?
  4. What rituals or symbolic acts can I perform to symbolize the end of this chapter in my life?
  5. How can I reframe my perspective on the past and focus on the present and future?
  6. What self-affirmations or positive beliefs can I cultivate to let go of any lingering negativity or resentment?
  7. How can I practice self-compassion and overcome any self-blame or guilt associated with the toxic relationship?
  8. What are some strategies or techniques I can use to calm my mind and find inner peace during challenging moments?
  9. How can I cultivate gratitude for the lessons learned from the toxic relationship while still moving forward with positivity?
  10. What are some self-care practices or rituals that bring me comfort and promote healing?
  11. How can I create a vision for my future that aligns with my newfound sense of freedom and peace?
  12. What are some healthy coping mechanisms I can rely on when faced with triggers or difficult emotions?
  13. How can I let go of any attachments or expectations I still hold onto regarding the toxic relationship?
  14. What affirmations or mantras can I use to reinforce my own strength and resilience?
  15. How can I practice mindfulness and stay present in the present moment, focusing on my own mental health and growth?
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15 journal prompts for triggers

  1. What are the specific situations or behaviors that trigger negative emotions or memories from the toxic relationship?
  2. How do these triggers impact my day-to-day life and well-being?
  3. What coping mechanisms or self-care practices can I use when I encounter triggers?
  4. What strategies can I use to create a safe space for myself during triggering moments?
  5. How can I reframe my thoughts and beliefs surrounding these triggers to regain a sense of control?
  6. What support systems or resources can I use when facing triggers and their associated emotions?
  7. How can I cultivate self-compassion and understanding during triggering moments?
  8. What positive affirmations or mantras can I repeat to myself to counteract the negative effects of triggers?
  9. How can I establish healthy boundaries to protect myself from triggers in the future?
  10. What lessons can I learn from these triggers and the emotions they evoke?
  11. How can I incorporate self-reflection and self-awareness to better understand and manage triggers?
  12. What alternative responses or actions can I take when faced with triggers to promote healing and growth?
  13. How can I practice patience and kindness toward myself when triggers arise?
  14. What role does self-care play in managing triggers and creating a supportive environment for myself?
  15. How can I celebrate my progress in dealing with triggers and acknowledge my strength in overcoming them?
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15 journal prompts for emotional healing and forgiveness

  1. What emotions do I need to acknowledge and process in order to begin the healing journey?
  2. How can I create a safe space for myself to experience and express my emotions without judgment?
  3. What healing activities or practices resonate with me and can help in my emotional healing process?
  4. How can I release any lingering anger, resentment, or bitterness associated with the toxic relationship?
  5. What self-compassionate affirmations or mantras can I use to foster emotional healing and forgiveness?
  6. How can I cultivate empathy and understanding towards the other person involved in the toxic relationship?
  7. What steps can I take to forgive myself for any mistakes or perceived shortcomings in the toxic relationship?
  8. How can I reframe my perspective on forgiveness and see it as a tool for my own growth and liberation?
  9. What are some self-care practices or rituals that bring me comfort and promote emotional healing?
  10. How can I learn from the pain and challenges of the toxic relationship to foster personal and emotional growth?
  11. What boundaries do I need to establish to protect my emotional well-being moving forward?
  12. How can I practice self-forgiveness and release any guilt or shame associated with the toxic relationship?
  13. What role do self-reflection and journaling play in my emotional healing process?
  14. How can I seek professional support or guidance to help in my emotional healing journey?
  15. What strategies or techniques can I use to let go of emotional baggage and embrace a brighter, more positive future?
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15 betrayal trauma journal prompts after being cheated on

  1. What emotions am I experiencing after discovering the betrayal? How can I process and navigate through them?
  2. How has the betrayal impacted my self-esteem and trust in myself and others?
  3. What support systems or resources can I reach out to for guidance and healing in the aftermath of the betrayal?
  4. What steps can I take to rebuild my self-worth and regain my confidence after the betrayal?
  5. How can I set healthy boundaries moving forward to protect myself from future betrayal or mistreatment?
  6. What lessons can I learn from this betrayal? How can I use them to cultivate healthier relationships in the future?
  7. How can I practice self-compassion and self-care during this challenging time of healing and rebuilding?
  8. What affirmations or mantras can I repeat to myself to counteract the negative impact of the betrayal on my self-image?
  9. How can I release any lingering anger or resentment towards the person who betrayed me?
  10. What are my expectations and desires for future relationships? How can I ensure that they’re aligned with my values and needs?
  11. How can I honor and respect my own feelings and emotions without suppressing or dismissing them?
  12. What activities or practices can I engage in to rediscover my own sense of joy and fulfillment separate from the betrayal?
  13. How can I redefine my understanding of trust and rebuild it within myself and future relationships?
  14. What strategies or techniques can I use to heal from the trauma of the betrayal and regain a sense of safety and security?
  15. How can I embrace the opportunity for growth and transformation that arises from overcoming the betrayal and moving forward?
a light colored journal

15 journal prompts for boundaries after narcissistic abuse

  1. What are the specific ways in which my boundaries were violated during the narcissistic abuse?
  2. How has the lack of boundaries affected my self-esteem and well-being?
  3. What steps can I take to establish firm and healthy boundaries moving forward?
  4. How can I communicate my boundaries assertively and effectively without fear or guilt?
  5. What are my non-negotiables when it comes to personal boundaries? How can I enforce them?
  6. How can I recognize and respond to boundary violations with self-assurance and self-respect?
  7. What tools or techniques can I use to overcome any resistance or pushback when setting boundaries?
  8. How can I surround myself with supportive and understanding people who respect my boundaries?
  9. What self-care practices can I engage in to maintain and reinforce my boundaries?
  10. How can I overcome any fear or hesitancy I may have when it comes to setting and enforcing boundaries?
  11. What are some strategies I can employ to identify and address manipulative tactics or attempts to breach my boundaries?
  12. How can I practice self-validation and trust my instincts when it comes to setting boundaries?
  13. What are some red flags or warning signs to be mindful of in relationships to ensure my boundaries are respected?
  14. How can I cultivate self-compassion and forgiveness for myself if my boundaries have been violated in the past?
  15. What resources or support networks can I turn to for guidance and encouragement as I navigate boundary-setting after narcissistic abuse?
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15 journal prompts for trauma survivors to rediscover your authentic self

  1. Who am I beyond the trauma I have experienced? How can I reconnect with my true identity?
  2. What aspects of myself have been suppressed or hidden as a result of the trauma? How can I reclaim them?
  3. How can I embrace self-acceptance and love myself unconditionally, despite the scars of my past?
  4. What activities or hobbies bring me joy and help me reconnect with my authentic self?
  5. How can I practice self-care and nurture my physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being on my journey to rediscovery?
  6. What are my values, passions, and dreams? How can I align my life with them moving forward?
  7. How can I let go of the shame or guilt associated with the trauma and embrace my resilience and strength?
  8. What positive affirmations or mantras can I incorporate into my daily routine to reinforce my sense of self-worth?
  9. How can I surround myself with a supportive and understanding community that encourages my growth and authenticity?
  10. What boundaries do I need to establish to protect my authentic self and ensure my needs are met?
  11. How can I integrate self-reflection and self-awareness practices into my daily life to deepen my understanding of myself?
  12. What steps can I take to cultivate self-compassion and practice forgiveness towards myself for any perceived shortcomings?
  13. How can I tap into my intuition and trust my inner voice as I navigate the path to rediscovering my authentic self?
  14. What role does gratitude play in my journey of self-discovery and healing from trauma?
  15. How can I celebrate the progress I have made and honor the resilience and growth that have emerged from my trauma?
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a pin for a blog post about journal prompts for toxic relationships

FAQ: What is journaling, and why should I journal?

So, you might be wondering, what is journaling and why should you give it a try?

Journaling is like having a heart-to-heart conversation with yourself on paper (or on your laptop, if you prefer).

It’s a personal and private space where you can pour out your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without being judged. Your journal is all about you!

Now, you might be thinking, “Why should I bother with this whole journaling thing?” Trust me, there are some serious benefits to it.

First, journaling is a fantastic way to release your pent-up emotions.

You know those days when you’re so overwhelmed that you feel like you might actually burst? Well, grab your journal and let it all out. It’s like giving your soul a big old exhale.

But wait, there’s more! Journaling is also an incredible tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

It helps you gain insight into your own thoughts and behaviors. As you reflect on your experiences, you start to see patterns, uncover hidden beliefs, and discover what truly lights your fire.

Oh, and did I mention that journaling can be seriously therapeutic? It’s like having a mini-therapy session right in the comfort of your own home (or coffee shop, if you’re feeling fancy).

It’s a safe space to process your emotions, work through any challenges, and find healing.

Besides, journaling is super flexible. You can do it whenever and wherever you want. It’s your journal, your rules!

You can write in the morning to set your intentions for the day, jot down your thoughts before bed to unwind, or write during your lunch break to clear your mind.

It’s all about finding what works for you.

So, whether you’re dealing with a breakup, trying to make sense of your wild dreams and aspirations, or simply want to explore your inner world, journaling has got your back.

It’s a powerful tool for self-expression, self-discovery, and self-care.

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FAQ: What are the benefits of journaling for toxic relationships?

Journaling is like your trusty sidekick when it comes to navigating the dangerous waters of toxic relationships.

It’s a safe haven where you can process your emotions, gain clarity, and take steps toward healing.

So, why should you whip out that pen and journal away? Let me spill the beans!

Emotional release

Toxic relationships can leave you feeling all sorts of emotions—anger, sadness, frustration, you name it. Well, journaling is your free ticket to emotional release!

It’s like giving those emotions a cozy place to unwind and unravel. Pour your heart out onto those pages, and let the healing begin.


Journaling gives you the space to reflect on your toxic relationships in a way that’s honest and raw.

You can dig deep and explore your own role in the dynamic, identify patterns, and gain a clearer understanding of your needs and boundaries.

It’s a chance to see the bigger picture and make sense of it all.

If you’re looking for a good workbook, I can absolutely recommend Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, Codependency and Complex PTSD.

This groundbreaking, therapist-recommended book will teach you, from start to finish, everything you need to know about narcissistic abuse, gaslighting, codependency, and complex PTSD, as well as how to recover from each one of them.


Toxic relationships can steal your confidence and leave you feeling powerless. However, journaling is here to save the day. Use your journal to reclaim your power and remind yourself of your worth.

Write down positive affirmations, list your strengths, and celebrate the progress you’re making. After all, you are a superhero!

Setting boundaries

Boundaries are essential in any relationship, and toxic ones are no exception. Journaling can help you define and reinforce those boundaries. Write down what’s acceptable to you and what’s not.

Practice assertive communication in your journal. Brainstorm strategies for enforcing your boundaries. You’re the boss of your own life!

Learning and growth

I believe that every experience, no matter how toxic, has something to teach us.

Journaling allows you to extract the lessons from your toxic relationships and use them as stepping stones for personal growth.

Explore what you’ve learned about yourself, relationships, and red flags to watch out for. In the end, it’s all about turning lemons into lemonade.

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Have you tried any of these journal prompts for toxic relationships?

Have you been in a toxic relationship? How did you get out? I would love to hear your stories and thoughts!

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