Forgiveness journal prompts

Journal prompts for forgiveness

1. What are some good things that I can do to take care of myself while I work on forgiving this person? 2. What are some positive qualities that this person possesses? How can I focus on these qualities to help me forgive them? 3. What can I learn from this experience to help me grow and become a better person? 4. How can I cultivate empathy towards this person to help me understand their perspective the next time? 5. What do I need to do to let go of the past and move forward?

Journaling prompts for forgiveness

1. What emotions am I feeling toward the person I want to forgive? Am I feeling any positive emotions as well? 2. How have this person’s actions affected me? What impact has it had on my life? 3. What do I need to let go of in order to forgive this person? 4. How has holding onto anger or resentment towards this person affected me? 5. What is stopping me from forgiving this person? Is it fear, anger, or something else?

Journaling ideas for forgiveness

1. How can I use this experience to help others who may be struggling with similar challenges? 2. What would my entire life look like if I could fully forgive myself for this mistake? 3. What daily self-care practices can I implement to help me through the forgiveness process? 4. What does forgiveness mean to me? 5. How can I cultivate a mindset of forgiveness in my daily life?

Journal ideas for forgiveness

1. What can I do to make amends for my mistake? 2. How can I practice forgiveness toward others as well as myself? 3. What do I need to do to feel worthy of forgiveness? 4. How can I take responsibility for my actions without blaming myself? 5. What are the benefits of forgiving myself? 6. What are the negative consequences of not forgiving myself?

Journal prompts for forgiving

1. What mistake am I struggling to forgive myself for? Why? 2. What emotions am I feeling about this mistake? Why am I feeling these emotions? 3. What would I say to a friend who made the same mistake? 4. What can I learn from this experience to help me grow and become a better person? 5. How can I show myself more compassion and kindness? 6. What negative self-talk or core beliefs do I need to let go of to forgive myself?

ideas for




to see


for forgiveness