new month, new goals


Top 8

mental health goals for the new month

1. Bring your own lunch to work. 2. Set aside one hour for yourself every day. 3. Do your own manicure and pedicure. 4. Don’t look at your phone for an hour after you wake up or before you go to bed. 5. Train your brain with brain exercises. 6. Seek help and support when needed. 7. Create your own productive morning routine and an effective evening routine that work for you. 8. Get more rest.

Top 9

physical health goals for the new month

1. Start taking daily or regular walks. 2. Dance on a regular basis. 3. Train your body and mind on a regular basis. 4. Run x miles every day. 5. Set a goal of walking at least 10,000 steps per day. 6. Start working out. 7. Stretch and work on your flexibility. 8. Take the stairs whenever possible. 9. Start the Couch to 5K training program.

Top 9

money-related goals for the new month

1. Simplify your financial habits. 2. Set financial goals for yourself. 3. Sell items you no longer need or use. 4. Stop ordering takeout food. 5. Work on your financial plans. Seek out new ways to save money. 6. Stop purchasing bottled water  7. Stop eating out. 8. Get rid of bad financial habits and replace them with good ones. 9. Stop wasting money on takeout coffee.

Top 9

monthly goal ideas for work

1. Apply for new jobs. 2. Update your curriculum vitae or résumé. 3. Start a blog. 4. Create new connections and expand your network. 5. Start writing a book or an ebook to increase your income. 6. Sort through your files and papers. 7. Turn your hobby into a profitable business. 8. Start looking for a new job. 9. Attend professional development events.

Top 9

monthly goal ideas for self-growth

1. Do things that frighten you. 2. Learn to unwind. 3. Find a creative outlet. 4. Get to know yourself with some self-discovery questions. 5. Play an instrument. 6. Make it a habit to step out of your comfort zone. 7. Repeat powerful affirmations. 8. Limit your TV time to no more than 30 minutes per day. 9. Learn how to make new recipes with ingredients you aren’t familiar with.

Top 8

monthly goal ideas for life organization

1. Start fixing all the things that need to be fixed in your home. 2. Do the dishes after dinner. 3. Devote at least 30 minutes per day to doing what you enjoy. 4. Every night, make a practical to-do list for the next day. 6. Rearrange the furniture in your home. 7. Make a bucket list of places you want to visit. 8. Cancel any subscriptions that you don’t want or aren’t using. 9. Declutter or clean your home.


goal ideas



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