141 Super Awesome Hobbies to Pick Up in Your 20S

Super Fun Hobby Ideas for Women Who Are Looking for New Ways to Spend Their Free Time
In this blog post, I’m going to talk about the best hobbies to pick up in your 20s. Being a young and busy woman in this very hectic world, I understand how hard it can be to find time for hobbies.
And when you do find some time, you’ll often wonder which new hobbies to participate in because there are so many options. Because your twenties are a time of self-discovery and exploration, it’s a great time to start a hobby.
Hobbies can help you explore and develop your interests, discover hidden talents, and even meet new people and form new relationships.
They can also help you relax and have a lot of fun while also boosting your self-confidence and mental health.
Furthermore, hobbies can help you develop important life skills like organization, problem-solving, and communication, which you can apply in both your personal and professional lives.
Picking up some great hobbies is literally the perfect way to make the most of your twenties! To make choosing easier for you, I decided to come up with a list of relatively common hobbies for women.
Some of them are free, and some are quite expensive, but I’m sure there’s something for everyone on this list. No matter what new hobby you pick, the most important thing is that you find something that you enjoy and that brings you joy.
Without further ado, let’s get started with my list of hobbies for women in their 20s that you’re going to love.

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1. Sport-Related Hobbies for Women in Their 20s
When you dance, you’ll gain strength and flexibility, as well as stronger muscles and joints. Your posture and body balance will improve if you dance regularly.
Dance is a universal language that brings a lot of people from all over the world together. Dancing allows you to meet new people and improve your communication skills. You can also take dance classes if you don’t like dancing alone at home.
Learn the ancient art of improving your sense of balance, coordination, flexibility, and concentration. Jumping is an important part of fencing, as it allows you to look for unguarded areas and opportunities to hit your opponent.
If you already run, you’re probably aware of its therapeutic benefits. Running is an excellent way to immerse yourself in your world and be alone in it. Start slowly if running is difficult for you. Every day, walk a hundred meters further.
People abandon such hobbies because they have unrealistic expectations of themselves. You can begin small and progress gradually.
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Riding a Horse
Horseback riding is one of those really fun hobbies for women because it can bring you closer to nature, and it’s an activity that you can do alone, with friends, with family, or with your significant other. It’s a great way to unwind on a day off.
You can ride at least once if you don’t have the time or money to own a horse. It’s a physically demanding sport because the rider must control, steer, and ride the horse with great coordination.
You don’t have to do weight lifting; instead, stretch or attend group classes. The gym is always warm, so there is no reason not to go. A great workout will get your blood moving in no time.
Swimming strengthens your body tremendously and allows you to develop all muscle groups. This is a very healthy hobby.
Riding a Bicycle
You’re probably not surprised to see biking on this list of hobbies to pick up in your 20s. Biking is an excellent way to get out of the house and explore new places.
Everyone needs to spend time in nature on a regular basis for their physical and mental health. Get outside and explore nature! Hiking is a great exercise where you can breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the scenery.
Another obvious advantage of hiking is that it is the most cost-effective way to get away from it all. This is an excellent opportunity to hone your outdoor living skills, connect spiritually with friends, and spend time alone with a loved one.
Ice Skating
Ice skating is usually done on a rink or frozen pond. It can be recreational, competitive, or artistic and requires balance, coordination, and skill. It’s my favorite thing to do in the winter. It’s literally so much fun.
Roller Skating
Roller skating is a type of skating on wheels. You usually roller skate on a smooth surface, such as a rink or a paved trail.
You can do it for fun, exercise, or sport. It requires balance, coordination, and, honestly, a little bit of hand-eye coordination in order not to fall down.

2. Calming Hobby Ideas for Young Women
Sitting in a quiet place may appear simple, but meditation can be challenging. It’s also extremely relaxing. If you want to know how to properly meditate, I suggest you read this meditation guide.
Want to unwind while toning your muscles? Then yoga could be for you! Yoga can help people improve their mental and physical health, gain strength and flexibility, and reduce stress.
Many people wonder if yoga is a sport because both are physical activities with similar benefits. However, sports don’t possess the spiritual and philosophical qualities that yoga does. There are classes available, or you can practice at home.
Bullet Journaling
Bullet journaling is a creative way of organizing your everyday life by combining a planner, diary, and to-do list.
I am a huge fan of creative writing. You can use any notebook and customize it with colors, stickers, and drawings. There are literally tons of different ways to show your creative side.
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3. Solving Puzzles
Puzzles are a great way to learn and improve your social skills. They are an excellent teaching tool that promotes cooperative play and development.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that puzzles can help us improve our memory, focus, language, and thinking skills. Here’s my favorite 1,000-piece puzzle that looks breathtaking.

4. Board Games
Let me explain why playing board games is one of the very good hobbies for women in their 20s.
Dwight David Eisenhower and his colleagues enjoyed playing bridge until the early hours of the morning. Winston Churchill enjoyed playing mahjong and drinking homemade rum before dinner.
From Roosevelt to Truman, US presidents have played poker with advisers. Abraham Lincoln played backgammon with his sons. Almost every historical figure had a favorite board game.
Join them in discovering the numerous advantages of playing board games with friends and family.
You can also play card games. There are many different types of card games, such as poker, blackjack, and bridge, that you can play alone or with others.
5. Museum Visits
Museums are among the most fascinating places on the planet. There’s no telling how much you’ll learn if you go to your local museum on a regular basis.
6. Learn a Brand New Language
Learning a language may appear to be a difficult task, but the benefits can be enormous. Knowing different languages nowadays provides you with numerous opportunities and prospects.
Besides, studies show that learning a new language aids in the prevention of dementia.
7. Cooking
You’re probably not surprised to find cooking among these hobby ideas for women. Cooking, like meditation, requires a lot of concentration.
It’s also said to improve emotional well-being and self-awareness. The simple presence of food, with its changing colors and aromas, improves your mood.
This important skill has many advantages: it increases your independence, saves you money on meals, impresses people, keeps you healthy (have you seen the ingredients in fast food?), and is simply enjoyable.
You can also garnish food. It’s even more enjoyable than cooking. Salads, cakes, cookies, and pastries can all be decorated! It gives your dishes a distinct personality.
Besides, cooking meat over an open fire is an entirely different hobby. Roasting a good piece of meat and serving the finished dish is satisfying to both your mind and your stomach.
Here’s a cookbook that has over 600 recipes for everything you’ll ever want to make.
8. A Lego Construction
Building with Legos is always enjoyable, whether you’re a child or an adult. Here’s my favorite Lego set that also makes a great home decor item!

9. Art-Related Hobbies for 20-Somethings
Drawing is the most approachable art form. A few pens and a piece of paper will keep you busy for quite some time.
Coloring is a great hobby because it is both relaxing and entertaining. Here’s the coolest coloring book for young adults that just motivates you to keep going.
Make your letters stand out by using beautiful calligraphy. Here’s a nice calligraphy workbook for beginners that’s really helpful.
Graffiti is a distinct form of art. Just make sure you do your work in the studio and not on the streets.
Graphic Design
The graphic design process involves creating visual content using typography, images, and colors to communicate a message or idea.
Graphic designers can work on various projects, such as logos, advertisements, or web designs. It’s a cool way to come up with a new career because hard work always pays off!
Learning to Write a New Alphabet
While some alphabets are identical to the English alphabet, others, such as Korean and Thai, are more difficult to learn.
Many people avoid painting because they believe they lack the necessary talent. Courses and practice can help you improve. Watercolors like these are less expensive (and easier to clean) than oil paints.
Painting workshops are available at most hobby and art stores. If that isn’t enough, you can always check out Bob Ross’s video tutorials.

10. Photography
Photography is a fantastic way to express yourself and demonstrate your creativity. Photograph what you enjoy: nature, people, and animals.
You can take classes to learn the basics, then get out and explore with your camera. Photography also has the advantage of being able to be combined with other activities.
Do you enjoy walking? Take photographs of nature. Do you enjoy going out to eat? Take pictures of your food.
Taking pictures with a phone is simple, but to become a pro, you should use an SLR. Here’s a very good SLR that I personally use to take my photos.
11. Watching Documentaries
Why not broaden your horizons by watching some documentaries? You never know what you might discover.
12. Reading
Reading is one of the most fun hobbies to pick up in your 20s. For the most part, reading does not require electricity, so you won’t waste energy or increase your utility bills. I can’t stress enough how much I love visiting my local library.
Reading broadens your horizons, which is why it is an excellent pastime. A good book can help you learn about any subject in depth.
Reading helps you improve your writing skills and problem-solving skills and learn about the minds of great people. If you want to meet other like-minded people, you can also join a book club.
13. Astronomy
Yes, I agree, astronomy isn’t one of the most common hobbies for your 20s, but hear me out.
Many people have forgotten about the night sky’s wonders. Watching the night sky for hours can be more entertaining than any Netflix special, and it’s completely free!
With a small telescope like this or powerful binoculars like these, you’ll be surprised at how much you can see in the sky.
However, astronomy is more than just looking through a telescope. This entails learning as much as possible about the amazing universe through books, shows, lectures, and other sources.

14. Programming
Many people have made programming their profession, but millions more do other things for fun at work and in their spare time. There are people making online games, useful open-source apps, and interesting web projects.
Many programming languages can be learned even at home. W3Schools lessons allow you to learn languages and technologies such as SQL and CSS for free.
15. Music-Related Hobbies
Play a Musical Instrument
Some people begin learning and playing different instruments as children. But nothing prevents you from becoming a world-class musician as an adult.
Learning to play the guitar will keep you and your loved ones entertained for many years. Guitars like these are relatively inexpensive and simple to learn for beginners.
Singing is one of the best pastimes, whether it’s singing in the shower or competing in karaoke contests. You can take singing lessons if you enjoy music.
If you don’t have any money, you can sing at home or in the car. It raises spirits and makes everyone happy. Besides, singing relaxes muscles and lowers stress hormone levels.
Do you want to be really cool? Try learning to beatbox.
Learning How to DJ
Are you tired of listening to the same music on the radio? Why not create your own station and play your favorite music?
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16. Birdwatching
Birdwatching is one of those hobbies that can be enjoyed at any time of year, depending on the weather. You quite often have a chance to see birds, whether you’re looking out the window, walking to your car, or going for a hike.
You can begin by just paying attention to birds and downloading free birdwatching apps.

17. Self-Defense Training
Self-defense is an excellent way to boost confidence while also getting a good workout. Martial arts, such as karate, judo, or kung fu, involve physical and mental training. You can practice it for self-defense, sport, or personal development.
18. Collecting
The chase is the essence of collecting. Choose whatever you want: stamps, coins, comic books, etc. Just be careful not to get too carried away.
If all else fails, there is always the option of collecting art. Some works of art are extremely expensive, but if invested wisely, this rewarding hobby can also be a source of income.
19. Geocaching
Have you ever fantasized about going on a treasure hunt? Then geocaching may be for you. It’s one of those cool hobbies to get into if you’re really interested in it.
People all over the world hide objects or containers in various locations and then post the coordinates online. Others, armed with GPS navigation devices, go in search of these treasures.
It’s a fantastic excuse to get out of the house and explore new neighborhoods and suburbs. Geocaching.com has more information on this topic.
20. Discovering Your Neighborhood
Amazing adventures can be found just minutes from your home. Take a walk around your neighborhood and see what you can find.
21. Playing Pool
Pool combines strategy, geometry, and psychology. It’s also a fun way to spend time with friends. It’s also a nice way to make new friends.

22. Videography
It’s simple to create a video of anything. But when you throw in video editing and sound editing, you’ve got yourself a pretty complicated hobby.
You can also try vlogging. And who knows? You might become famous if you find a good niche! Open your own YouTube channel and start uploading the greatest YouTube videos ever!
23. Gardening
If you enjoy being outside, why not become a gardener and decorate your garden? You don’t need a large property to work with; a small plot in the backyard will suffice.
If your job requires you to spend all of your time in an office with artificial lighting and stuffy air, working in a garden is one of those hobbies to start in your 20s to get you moving and outside in the sun.
You’ll get a better sense of the changing seasons as you watch your garden grow from seed to plant.
You’ll experience pride after preparing the first dish using self-grown ingredients. It’s suitable for people of all ages and is beneficial to both the mind and the body. Gardening has been shown to lower the risk of depression.
24. Attending Concerts
Going to concerts can be costly, but it’s a fun way to pass the time.
25. Writing or Blogging
Writing may appear to be an odd hobby if you work all day in an office. It’s now relatively simple to start a blog and begin monetizing it in the future. Besides, your blog has the potential to be the foundation of a business.
26. Podcasting
Creating your own podcast can undeniably be a beneficial hobby for growing your business and developing your brand. You can get new opportunities, expand your business, and advance in life if you are consistent.
27. Genealogy
I love learning new skills. So, yes, genealogy is a strange thing. From the outside, this hobby appears to be extremely boring. However, if you get excited about it, it can turn into something you truly adore.
The apple does not fall far from the tree, but how can you tell what kind of apple you are if you don’t know where you fell? Everyone should be aware of and comprehend their ancestors.
You will gain a better understanding of why you are the way you are, why your parents are the way they are, and their parents, and so on.
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28. Handicrafts-Related Hobbies
Memories are easy to form but difficult to recall. So why not get started with scrapbooking? Here’s a cool and affordable scrapbooking kit.
Who knew a small square of paper could be transformed into a penguin? Here’s an awesome and also affordable origami kit for beginners.
Soap Making
Most soaps have the same scent. So why not create one that smells exactly how you want it to?
Fashion is very personal. Why not sew your own clothes?
It’s not only women’s work, as many men believe. Knitting was invented by men, and it’s time to reclaim its place in history.
Men were the first professional weavers in Europe in the 16th century. Sailors tied knots. To keep warm, they knitted fishing nets and sweaters. Knitting has both therapeutic and relaxing properties.

As a child, you may have been interested in modeling. But what’s keeping you from carrying on with this hobby as an adult? Modeling trains your attention to detail and encourages you to learn about the history of the objects you’re working with.
It’s very simple: go to Amazon or your local hobby store and purchase a kit like this one, which almost always includes all of the necessary instructions and supplies.
Working With Leather
Leatherworking is an excellent way to rediscover your inner cowboy while learning a truly masculine craft. An experienced leatherworker can make purses, bags, belts, holsters, and saddles.
The disadvantage is that this hobby is quite costly. You’ll need a variety of specialized tools. To get started, purchase a starter kit like this one.
It includes everything you need to create small items such as a wallet or key ring. The starter kit allows you to test your interest before committing large sums to large projects.
I’ve always admired people who can take an ordinary piece of wood and shape it into something useful and beautiful. This relaxing hobby not only teaches useful skills but also trains patience.
Working with Metal
Working with metal has all of the benefits of working with wood, except that instead of the sweet smell of sawdust, you’re surrounded by the pleasantly toxic smell of burning metal.
Making Candles
Candlemaking used to be a very profitable and important business. Although electricity effectively ended the profession, candles continue to be used in many homes as a source of comfort and fragrance.
Who doesn’t enjoy gazing at the twinkling lights on a cool evening or inhaling the pleasant aroma early in the morning? Store-bought candles can be expensive, whereas homemade candles can be inexpensive and simple to make.
You only need wax, wicks, and containers, or an affordable candle-making kit like this one.

This is a truly feminine and calming art that is learnable at home. That’s why I included it among these cool hobbies to pick up in your 20s.
Jewelry Making
Why not start your own custom jewelry line by learning to make jewelry as a hobby?
Furniture Restoration
You can make your furniture look brand new with a fresh coat of paint and a little imagination.
29. Make-up and Manicure
Make-up and manicures are now among the most popular hobbies for 20-year-olds. Purchasing materials and tools also costs a lot of money.
However, they pay for themselves over time. The most important thing is to learn how to do it effectively and to have a vivid imagination.
30. Stand-up Comedy
Stand-up comedy is one of the most difficult things you can do, but the adrenaline rush you get from it is incredible. To be successful, you must write your own jokes and master this beautiful art form.
31. Acting
Acting is not only for the wealthy and famous. Nowadays, many community theaters provide acting classes.

32. Online Classes
We should learn throughout our lives. Reading is a wonderful hobby that promotes learning, but online courses offer a variety of learning methods (videos, reading, and discussion) as well as the ability to track your progress with quizzes and assignments.
Experts in their fields can answer your questions and assist you in the event of a problem. The best part is that, in most cases, this hobby is completely free.
Coursera and EdX provide a wide range of topics, from programming to critical thinking to classical music.
33. Extremism-Related Hobbies
Climbing Rocks
The first thing that I would like to mention here is that you should make sure you have your upper body strength ready; rock climbing will require it.
Bungee Jumping
Do you want to experience the rush of falling? A good place to try that is by trying your hand at bungee jumping.
Have you ever wondered what it’s like beneath the waves? Why not give scuba diving a try?
Nothing beats a good camping trip. Just remember to bring a good bug repellent. Or if you don’t like bug repellents, you can try out these awesome bug-repellent bracelets.
I understand that sailing isn’t one of those simple hobby ideas because, obviously, a sailboat is required for this hobby, and they aren’t cheap. However, if you ever have the opportunity to go sailing, use it.

Although rowing appears to be as simple as riding a bike, it does require some skill. Once you’ve mastered the science, you can progress from short rides to multi-day excursions.
Climbing a Mountain
Climbing a mountain is a good option if you enjoy hiking and trekking and are looking for new adventures. Why do mountain climbers do it?
Few fun things are more satisfying than reaching the summit after a long ascent and taking in the breathtaking scenery and newly conquered mountain.
This hobby is only available to a subset of the population that lives on the coast, but these people frequently build their entire lives around it. Being on the sea in a boat is enjoyable, but it is not the same as being on the water with a surfboard.
You feel every wave of adrenaline and defeat when you fall off the board. You’re competing with yourself as well as Mother Nature. Very few activities connect you with nature as much as surfing.
40. Volunteer Work
Why not volunteer in your spare time to help those in need? Everyone’s life should include some form of service. Instead of devoting all of your time to your own goals, why not help others by volunteering?
Helping others can help you find your purpose, look at your problems from a different angle, overcome prejudices, and so on.
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41. Traveling
This is one of the best hobbies to try in your 20s, whether you travel across town or around the world.
Traveling provides us with a great opportunity to take a mental and physical break from our daily routines, which is necessary if we are to feel fulfilled. It’s also an excellent way to learn about different cultures.
42. Dog Training
Dog training is the process of teaching your dog various skills and commands, such as sit, stay, and come, to improve their behavior and obedience.
It can involve positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, or negative reinforcement, such as correcting bad behavior. It’s a great thing to consider if you want to spend more time with your dog.
43. Social Media
Social media allows people to connect, share, and communicate with each other through various digital tools, such as text, images, or videos. My favorite examples include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
Social media is one of the best examples of a creative outlet. If you’re thinking about starting an account somewhere, start NOW, as there’s literally no perfect time to start, only the present moment.
44. Video Games
It’s a type of interactive entertainment that involves playing digital games on a console, computer, or mobile device. It’s on my list of fun hobbies because you can play them alone or with others, so there’s something for everyone.

45. Metal Detecting
Metal detecting is a hobby that involves using a high-accuracy metal detector to search for buried metal objects in various locations, such as parks, beaches, or historical sites.
You can do it for fun or as a way to discover hidden treasures, such as coins, jewelry, or artifacts.
Metal detecting requires patience, persistence, some knowledge about the types of objects you’re looking for, and some great places to search. It can be a great way to explore the outdoors and learn more about history.
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More Hobbies for Women in Their 20s
46. Archery
Archery is a fascinating hobby that involves using a bow and arrows to hit targets. It requires focus, precision, and control, making it a great activity for improving concentration and hand-eye coordination.
47. Pottery or Ceramics
Pottery, or ceramics, is a hands-on hobby where you can create beautiful objects out of clay.
48. Stand-up Paddleboarding
Stand-up paddleboarding is a fun water sport where you stand on a large board and use a paddle to glide across the water.
49. Mixology or Cocktail Making
Mixology, or cocktail making, is the art of creating delicious and visually appealing cocktails. It allows you to experiment with different flavors, ingredients, and techniques to craft unique and refreshing beverages.
50. Cross-Stitching or Embroidery
Cross-stitching or embroidery involves creating intricate patterns or designs using needle and thread on fabric.
51. Creative Writing
Creative writing is a hobby that lets you explore your imagination and express your thoughts, ideas, and stories through words.
52. DIY Crafts
DIY crafts encompass a wide range of creative projects that you can do yourself, such as making handmade jewelry, upcycling old items, creating home decor, or crafting personalized gifts.

53. Kayaking/Canoeing
Kayaking or canoeing is a serene and scenic way to explore nature while getting a great upper-body workout.
54. Playing Tennis
Tennis is a popular racquet sport that can be played both competitively and recreationally.
55. Stand-up Paddleboard Yoga
Stand-up paddleboard yoga combines the peacefulness of yoga with the balance and stability challenges of paddleboarding.
It takes your yoga practice onto the water, allowing you to strengthen your core, improve flexibility, and find inner calm amidst the gentle movement of the water.
56. Crossfit or Weightlifting
CrossFit, or weightlifting, involves high-intensity workouts using weights and various exercises to build strength, endurance, and overall fitness.
57. Parkour
Parkour is a movement-based discipline that focuses on efficiently navigating through obstacles using running, jumping, climbing, and acrobatic maneuvers.
58. Zumba Classes
Zumba is a dynamic and energetic dance fitness workout inspired by Latin rhythms and various dance styles.
59. Pilates
Pilates is a low-impact exercise method that emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and body alignment.
60. Barre Workouts
Barre workouts combine elements of ballet, Pilates, and strength training to create a unique and effective exercise routine.
61. Kickboxing or Martial Arts
Kickboxing, or practicing martial arts, involves a combination of strikes, kicks, and defensive techniques.

62. Indoor Trampoline Park
You can enjoy bouncing, flipping, and trying out various acrobatic moves, which not only bring out your inner child but also improve balance, coordination, and overall fitness.
63. Virtual Reality Gaming
It offers a unique and interactive gaming experience, where you can explore virtual environments, participate in exciting adventures, and engage in multiplayer games.
64. Tea Tasting or Coffee Brewing
It allows you to appreciate the complexities of different teas or coffees, discover new varieties, and create your perfect cuppa, providing a delightful sensory experience.
65. Beekeeping and Honey Production
Beekeeping is an engaging and rewarding hobby that involves tending beehives, caring for bees, and harvesting honey.
66. Kiteboarding
Kiteboarding combines the exhilaration of flying a kite with the thrill of riding waves or performing tricks on a board.
67. Paragliding
Paragliding allows you to soar through the sky like a bird, using a parachute-like wing to harness the wind and glide gracefully above the ground.
68. Martial Arts or Aikido
Martial arts, such as Aikido, offer a disciplined practice that not only teaches self-defense techniques but also cultivates mental focus, physical strength, and personal growth.
69. Bouldering
Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that focuses on shorter routes and doesn’t require ropes or harnesses.
70. Longboarding
Longboarding is a type of skateboarding that involves riding longer boards designed for cruising and downhill riding.

71. Trail Running
Trail running takes you off the beaten path and onto natural trails, providing a refreshing change from traditional road running.
72. Wine and Paint Nights
Wine and paint nights are social events where participants can enjoy a glass of wine while learning to create their own artwork under the guidance of a professional artist.
73. Improv Theater
Improv theater is a form of live performance where actors create scenes and dialogue on the spot, relying on their wit, spontaneity, and teamwork.
74. Astronomy Stargazing Parties
Astronomy stargazing parties gather people together to observe and appreciate celestial objects in the night sky, fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity about the universe.
75. Historical Reenactments
Historical reenactments involve recreating past events, battles, or periods with meticulous attention to detail.
76. Salsa Dancing
Salsa dancing is a vibrant and energetic partner dance that originated in Latin America.
77. Burlesque Dancing
Burlesque dancing is a theatrical form of dance characterized by its flirtatious and often comedic style. It celebrates individuality, body positivity, and self-expression.
78. Roller Derby
Roller derby is a high-intensity, full-contact sport played on roller skates, primarily by women. It requires agility, strength, and strategic teamwork.
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79. Canyoning
Canyoning involves descending through canyons by a combination of hiking, climbing, jumping, and rappelling.
80. Cheese-Making
Cheese-making is a culinary craft that involves transforming milk into various types of cheese using traditional techniques.
81. Escape Rooms
Escape rooms are immersive puzzle-solving experiences where a group of people work together to solve clues, find hidden objects, and unlock mysteries within a set time limit.
82. Flyboarding
Flyboarding combines water sports and jet propulsion technology to give riders the sensation of flying above the water.
83. Acroyoga
Acroyoga combines elements of acrobatics, yoga, and Thai massage, incorporating partner-based poses, lifts, and therapeutic techniques.
84. Cross-Country Skiing
Cross-country skiing is a winter sport that involves gliding across snowy terrain using skis and poles.
85. Astronomy Photography
Astronomy photography captures the beauty of the night sky, including stars, galaxies, and celestial phenomena.
86. Puzzle-Solving Competitions
They foster critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and mental agility while providing a thrilling and intellectually stimulating experience.

87. DIY Home Renovation Projects
DIY home renovation projects allow people to transform and personalize their living spaces through hands-on work and creativity.
88. Urban Exploration or Exploring Abandoned Places
Urban exploration involves exploring abandoned buildings, tunnels, or other urban areas, uncovering hidden histories, and capturing captivating photographs.
89. Astrology and Horoscope Interpretation
Astrology is the study of celestial bodies and their influence on human behavior and events.
Horoscope interpretation provides insight into personal characteristics and potential future trends, offering a source of self-reflection, guidance, and personal understanding.
90. Upcycling and Repurposing Furniture
Upcycling and repurposing furniture involves transforming old or discarded items into something new and functional, reducing waste, and embracing creativity.
91. Wine Appreciation and Wine-Tasting Tours
Wine appreciation involves learning about different wines, their flavors, and the winemaking process.
92. Sustainable Fashion and Upcycled Clothing
Sustainable fashion promotes ethical and eco-friendly practices in the fashion industry, including upcycling and repurposing clothing items.
93. Foraging for Wild Edibles and Herbs
Foraging involves gathering wild edibles and herbs from natural environments, connecting with nature, and embracing a sustainable approach to food.
94. Homebrewing Beer or Kombucha
Homebrewing beer or kombucha allows people to create their own craft beverages, experimenting with flavors and fermentation processes.

95. Historical Costume Sewing and Cosplay
Historical costume sewing involves creating period-appropriate garments, allowing people to explore different eras and embrace their creativity in dressmaking.
96. Trail Biking
Trail biking combines the thrill of cycling with the adventure of exploring off-road trails.
97. Writing Fiction or Poetry
It’s a creative outlet that nurtures self-expression, storytelling, and communication skills, offering an avenue for personal growth and sharing narratives with others.
98. Adventure Photography and Videography
Adventure photography and videography capture the excitement and beauty of outdoor activities and landscapes.
99. Skydiving
Skydiving is an extreme sport that involves jumping from an aircraft and free-falling before deploying a parachute.
100. Drone Photography and Videography
It combines technology, creativity, and a passion for storytelling, allowing photographers and videographers to document landscapes, events, and experiences in captivating ways.
101. Geology and Rock Collecting
Geology is the study of the Earth’s rocks, minerals, and processes that shape our planet.
102. Art Therapy and Art Journaling
Art therapy and art journaling use art as a therapeutic tool for self-expression, healing, and personal growth.
103. Personal Finance and Investment Management
Personal finance and investment management involve making informed decisions about money, budgeting, saving, and investing.
104. Antique Hunting and Collecting
Antique hunting and collecting involve searching for and acquiring items of historical or aesthetic value.
105. Mindfulness and Breathwork
Mindfulness and breathwork practices promote present-moment awareness and emotional well-being.
106. Equestrian Vaulting
Equestrian vaulting combines gymnastics and dance performed on horseback.
107. Competitive Gaming and eSports
Competitive gaming and eSports involve organized competitions in video games, showcasing skill, strategy, and teamwork.
108. Surf Fishing
Surf fishing is a recreational activity that combines fishing with the enjoyment of being at the beach.
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FAQ: How Do You Find the Perfect Hobby in Your 20s?
Finding hobbies in your 20s can be an exciting and enjoyable way to pass the time, learn new things, and meet new people.
Think About What You Enjoy Doing in Your Spare Time
Take some time to consider what you enjoy doing in your leisure time. Do you enjoy being creative? Do you like to be active? Do you want to expand your knowledge?
Explore Different Hobbies
Once you’ve determined what you enjoy doing, start investigating various hobbies that are similar to your interests. You can get ideas by searching online, asking friends and family, or visiting local hobby stores.
Experiment With Different Things
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different hobbies before settling on one. Try it out for a few weeks and see if you like it. If you don’t, try something else.
Make Time for It
Make time in your schedule for your hobby once you’ve discovered it. One of the best ways to do that is to schedule the best time each week to work on your hobby.
Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment
Keep in mind that your interests and hobbies may change over time. It’s okay to look for new hobbies to take up if you’re no longer enjoying your current hobby.
Finding a hobby in your twenties can be a great way to discover new interests and have a good time. Simply be open to new experiences, and don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone!
These Are Some Really Good Hobbies to Pick Up in Your 20s That Are Guaranteed to Be Enjoyable
That’s it for my blog post about cool hobbies for young women. Did you find any interesting hobbies on this list that you’d like to try out? What are the creative hobbies that you participate in? Let me know in the comments!
This is a great list of hobbies! But I’m not sure why it’s directed specifically at women in their 20s. There are only a few of the more extreme sports that I wouldn’t try now in my 60s (just because I’m less willing to risk a bad fall).