100 Insanely Productive Things to Do When Bored at Home

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Productive Things to Do When You’re Looking for New Ideas

Beware, this post will give you ideas about 100 productive things to do when bored at home! Being productive while alone at home can help you achieve your goals, learn new skills, and improve your overall well-being.

It can also give you a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, which can boost your self-esteem and motivation. Besides that, it can help you make better use of your time and stay focused and organized.

We all want to be productive and get as many things done as possible. You can do a lot of useful and productive activities that will improve your happiness, finances, and enjoyment.

Instead of wasting time on social media or binge-watching Netflix shows, check off some of the items on the following list. If you do something productive, you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something. As we know, dopamine is a reward chemical.

When our brain releases dopamine, it improves our mood, motivation, and productivity. So, yes, doing these things on my list is also good for taking care of your mental health.

Most of these ideas are free of charge or low cost. The only things you have to invest are your time and energy. Having little or no money doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, right?

This post may contain affiliate links. That means that if you click on a link and purchase something I recommend, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

BTW, you might like these productivity sheets that are guaranteed to help you beat procrastination and get things done. Now let’s talk about what productive things to do when bored. Beware, here’s my list of 100 fun things to do by yourself.

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Here’s an Awesome List of 100 Productive Things to Do When Bored at Home

  1. Prepare clothes for the next day.
  2. Clean your makeup products (makeup brushes, etc.).
  3. Organize your wardrobe.
  4. Establish a monthly budget. Here’s the best budget planner that will help you achieve all your financial goals.
  5. Delete old contacts from your phone.
  6. Assemble a first-aid package.
  7. Create a gratitude journal or a bullet journal. Here’s a cool gratitude journal that requires only a few minutes of your day.
  8. Clear out your phone and email inbox.
  9. Back up your photos, computer, and phone.
  10. Make an attempt to recreate something you’ve seen on Pinterest.
  11. Renovating your room is one of the most productive things to do at home.
  12. Start your own YouTube channel.
  13. Complete an unfinished project.
  14. Set and reach fitness goals.
  15. Play board games.
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  1. Make your own candles, soap, jewelry, or resin art.
  2. Write poetry.
  3. Apply for a new job.
  4. Read books on personal growth.
  5. Learn how to make new recipes using ingredients you may not be familiar with, such as sesame oil and creme fraiche. This is among the best skills to learn when bored because learning to cook gives you so many opportunities.
  6. Take a bike ride.
  7. Practice an instrument.
  8. Rewrite your social media bios or your blog’s “about me” page.
  9. Organize your spice rack alphabetically or by cuisine.
  10. Declutter one room.
  11. Make a home version of your favorite takeout dish.
  12. Put together a bag for the evacuation.
  13. Keep track of how much you spent last month. Here’s an affordable monthly budget planner to help you with that.
  14. Purchase gift cards from your favorite local businesses to help them.
  15. Make a list of your life goals and how you want to accomplish them.
  1. Take an online photography course to improve your blog’s photos.
  2. Sell the items you don’t need.
  3. Help an elderly neighbor.
  4. Use Pinterest to redesign your whole life. Always turn to Pinterest whenever you’re looking for fun, productive things to do online.
  5. Organize your home according to Feng Shui rules.
  6. Create a survival budget.
  7. Learn a new language by downloading Duolingo or a related app. Learning foreign languages is one of the most productive things to learn.
  8. Make a blood donation.
  9. Stretch and work on your flexibility.
  10. Explore your neighborhood on foot.
  11. Purchase a foam roller and engage in some physical therapy.
  12. Find out how to solve a Rubik’s cube.
  13. Learning something new is among the most productive things to do, whether it’s a new dance style or a new instrument.
  14. Learn a party trick that will wow your guests.
  15. Make new looks out of your existing wardrobe.
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  1. Shine your silver.
  2. Watch the sunrise or the sunset.
  3. Take online courses to learn something you’ve always wanted to know.
  4. Write handwritten letters to friends, family members, or loved ones.
  5. Work out using tutorials you find on YouTube.
  6. Experiment with various coffee recipes.
  7. Come up with your own HIIT workout.
  8. Experiment with indoor photography.
  9. Participate in a book club.
  10. Train your brain with brain-training exercises.
  11. Taking care of your laundry is also on my list of 100 productive things to do when bored.
  12. Crochet or knit.
  13. Put together a scrapbook.
  14. Prepare your lunch for the next day.
  15. Have you been wanting to get a new pair of glasses? On sites like Zenni Optical or EyeBuyDirect, you can digitally try on new frames.
a woman being productive
  1. Find a diet plan that is good for you.
  2. Start fixing all the things that need to be fixed in your home.
  3. Assemble an emergency kit.
  4. Practice self-care with the help of these ideas, mindfulness, and gratitude.
  5. Make your desk look better by decorating it.
  6. Mow your lawn.
  7. Make a bucket list of things you want to do.
  8. Give your dog a bath or teach your dog a new trick or skill.
  9. Learn how to braid your hair (fishtail, french, etc.).
  10. Offer to support an elderly parent, neighbor, or friend.
  11. Work on your financial plans. Look for new ways to save money.
  12. Plant a small garden, whether it’s vegetables, flowers, or herbs.
  13. Make a vision board for your future dreams.
  14. If you’re wondering what to do to be productive, cancel any subscriptions that you don’t want or aren’t using. This will also save you more money in the long run.
  15. If you’re a bookworm, create your own bookmarks.
  1. Repot plants that need to be repotted.
  2. Buy some adult coloring books.
  3. Make a donation to a charity of your choice.
  4. Start a blog. It will be the best decision you ever made!
  5. Have a look at the working-from-home choices.
  6. Make plans for your upcoming birthday.
  7. Facetime or make video calls with friends.
  8. Use the sewing machine you once bought but haven’t used so far.
  9. Create a Pinterest board for your ideas.
  10. Organize the drawers in your kitchen.
  11. Start writing a book or an e-book. This is among my top three productive activities when I’m looking for something productive to do, as it helps me earn extra income.
  12. Check and throw out all expired products. This extends to both food and cosmetics! (tip: most liquid goods have a small symbol on them that indicates the expiration date, which is normally six months to a year.)
  13. Work as a delivery person to earn some extra money.
  14. Put together a puzzle. Solve the crossword puzzle.
  15. Try on all of your clothes to see if they spark joy, and throw away those that don’t by using the Marie Kondo method.
  1. Start a memory book or box to keep track of your life.
  2. Start writing a novel or a short story.
  3. Play cards against humanity or just cards.
  4. Participate in a money-saving challenge or a 30-day personal growth challenge.
  5. Prepare meals for the whole week. Here’s an affordable meal planner to make your life easier.
  6. Make your online presence more organized.
  7. Improve or edit your CV and apply for jobs you’re afraid to apply for.
  8. Start a (side)business.
  9. Set financial goals for yourself.
  10. Read an e-book.
  11. Read blogs that you like and leave meaningful feedback on them.
  12. Start working on the stack of books you’ve been wanting to read for a while.
  13. Use a hydrating hair mask to moisturize your hair. You can also use a moisturizing, refreshing face mask.
  14. End your shower with cold water or go to the sauna.
  15. If you’re wondering what to do when bored at home, rearrange your furniture to give the impression that your home is completely different. I love rearranging furniture way too much!
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  1. Play around with different hairstyles.
  2. Offer to support someone, whether it’s financially, physically, or mentally.
  3. Clean everything. You can clean your house, garage, motorcycle, refrigerator, and other kitchen appliances, as well as your purse and jewelry. The options are limitless.
  4. Learn about how to organize your finances better.
  5. Do something you’ve been putting off for a long time.
  6. Create a morning routine like this one for yourself.
  7. Learn to write in calligraphy. Here’s the best calligraphy workbook for beginners.
  8. Organize the files on your computer. If this isn’t one of those things to do to be productive at home, then I don’t know what is. You can also organize all those important documents that you have in your drawers.
  9. Experiment with essential oils.
  10. Discover new yoga poses.
a pin for a blog post that talks about 100 productive things to do when bored
a pin for a blog post that talks about 100 productive things to do when bored

These Are the 100 Productive Things to Do When Bored

Did you find any new things to do to feel productive? Would you like to add something to my list? What are your favorite productive things to do every day? What to do when bored? Let me know in the comments below!

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