25 Practical Tips to Get Better Sleep Every Night

a featured image for a blog post that talks about tips to fall asleep faster

25 Easy Tips to Fall Asleep Faster

Along with drinking water and exercising, another key to staying healthy is getting good sleep. That’s why I put together this post with tips to get better sleep.

First, how much sleep do you need? Aim for at least 8 hours. While there’s a small group of people who can function on less sleep due to special DNA, they are rare.

Studies show that good sleep is closely tied to better recovery and improved mental and physical performance.

How fast should you fall asleep? Ideally, you want to fall asleep soon after lying down, but many people struggle with this. How long does it take to fall asleep? Experts say that 10 to 20 minutes is normal, which shows you have healthy sleep habits.

If it takes longer than 20 minutes or even up to an hour, that’s tough. If it takes more than an hour, it could be a sign of insomnia or other health issues. People who fall asleep in just a few minutes are likely happy with that.

But if you fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow, it might mean you’re too tired and need more rest.

Getting enough sleep is the most important thing you can do for your health. Exercise and eating well matter too, but they don’t help much if you’re not sleeping enough. Now, let’s dive into some tips to help you sleep better!

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What Can You Do to Improve Your Sleep Quality?

1. Have a Proper Sleep Schedule

Having a regular sleep schedule helps your body know when it’s time to sleep, which makes your sleep better. Sleeping in late on weekends doesn’t make up for lost sleep during the week.

Going to bed at the same time every night—even on weekends—can keep your body’s internal clock strong. It’s okay to sleep at a different time once in a while, but doing it too often can mess up the benefits of a regular sleep cycle.

Remember, we’re meant to be awake during the day and asleep when it’s dark. Going to bed at a regular time helps keep your hormones balanced, which helps you sleep better.

Getting enough sleep means shutting down when the sun sets. Going to bed very late, like at 4 a.m., isn’t great for sleep quality, even if you sleep for eight hours, because your body already thinks the day has started. Set a bedtime alarm if needed!

If you’re interested, you can try my relaxing Sunday night routine for better sleep.

2. Avoid Large Meals and Drinks in the Late Evening

One of the best tips for falling asleep faster is to avoid big meals before bed. You can have a small snack, but big meals can cause stomach problems that make it hard to sleep.

Drinking too much can also mean waking up to use the bathroom, which interrupts sleep. Eating heavy foods, especially high in protein, can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Since everyone has different bedtimes, try not to eat anything heavy for 2 to 3 hours before bed, including snacks and desserts. This way, your body doesn’t have to work hard to digest food while you’re sleeping, which makes it easier to get restful sleep.

3. Avoid Alcohol Before Going to Bed

Having alcohol in your body reduces REM sleep, which means you don’t reach the deeper stages of sleep.

This also happens with any type of heavy drinking. Even drinking lots of water before bed can make you wake up in the night to use the bathroom.

Some people think alcohol helps them sleep, but it actually does the opposite. Alcohol makes deep sleep phases longer and shortens the REM sleep phase.

Since REM sleep helps with memory and learning, skipping alcohol before bed can keep your brain healthier. Try to let your body get clear of alcohol before you go to bed.

4. Avoid Caffeine and Nicotine

Caffeine, which gives you energy, is in things like Coca-Cola, coffee, non-herbal teas, and chocolate. Even having them in the afternoon can make it hard to fall asleep later.

Nicotine is also a stimulant, and it can even make smokers wake up earlier due to nicotine withdrawal.

Caffeine can keep you awake for up to 12 hours after you drink it, so avoid having coffee or caffeinated drinks in the afternoon if you want to fall asleep easily at night.

bedtime aesthetic

5. Don’t Work Out Too Late

Working out is beneficial, and we should try to exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days. However, try not to work out right before going to bed. It’s better to work out in the morning, as it gives your body time to calm down.

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6. Don’t Work or Eat In Bed

Many of us take work to bed. However, in this way, your brain associates bed with work stress, and every time you slip between sheets, a certain amount of negative emotion develops in your brain. Your brain can’t rest because it’s still in work mode.

7. Get Enough Sunlight

Enjoying sunlight is among my favorite tips for getting better sleep. Let me tell you why. Being outside in the sun during the day helps regulate your sleeping patterns.

Try to get at least 30 minutes of natural sunlight per day. Fresh air and sunlight are beneficial to your health, so spend as much time as possible outside during the day.

8. Don’t Take a Nap After 3 p.m.

Napping is beneficial, but sleeping too late during the day can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. Nap for no more than 45 minutes per day. A 15-minute nap during the day is enough.

When you sleep for a longer period of time, your body enters a deep sleep stage, which doesn’t help you feel rested, but vice versa.

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9. Don’t Sleep in the Same Bed as Your Pet

You and your pet may prefer to sleep in the same bed, but if your pet is disturbing your sleep, you should get them out of your bed.

Pets can make noise, move around in bed, and change positions frequently, which causes you to wake up several times during the night.

10. Pay Attention to the Things You Can Hear

Did you know that your brain works hard even when you’re sleeping? That is why, when their child cries, parents immediately wake up.

Some sounds are upsetting, while others can be soothing and sleep-inducing. The key is to concentrate on eliminating, reducing, and blocking the sounds that are disturbing your sleep in your bedroom.

A lower sound or a beam of light falling from the street may also wake up light sleepers. If you dislike background noise or light while sleeping, sleep eye masks like this one and noise reduction earplugs like these ones can help.

Earplugs come in a variety of materials, including foam and silicone. It’s important that you find earplugs that are comfortable for you.

11. Pay Attention to the Smells

Do you think that smells don’t affect your sleep? Think again. Smelling is one of your most powerful senses, as it’s directly linked to the limbic system of the brain, which regulates many strong impulses and desires, including emotions, memory, and hunger.

Scents can make you more alert. They also have the ability to calm, soothe, and relax. That’s why scents are an important part of sleep management.

Using the right scents can help you create a sleep-friendly environment. Consider using an aromatherapy diffuser. This aromatherapy diffuser is really affordable and also looks pretty cool.

Using soothing and relaxing scents can help you relax and prepare for sleep. Lavender is proven to have excellent relaxing properties. It’s also used to reduce morning drowsiness.

Fill your room with the aroma of lavender. It should encourage deeper sleep and more alert awakenings. This lavender mist is really good for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

12. Make the Bedroom Dark

Lamps and other sources of light keep your mind alert. Make your bedroom as quiet and dark as possible, and only use it for sleeping.

When you’re surrounded by the same environment that you spend the day in, falling asleep is a very difficult task. Keeping some light in the room keeps the body slightly awake, making it nearly impossible to fall asleep.

Bright light, particularly bluish light, signals to the brain that it’s still time to stay awake and reduces the production of melatonin, which is needed for sleep. It is also necessary to block blue light in order to get the best sleep possible.

The best way to accomplish this is to avoid using computers and other smart devices before bedtime to acclimate your eyes to the darkness and send a signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep.

Reduce the light or use special programs that adjust the screen’s light to the light that surrounds you if you absolutely must work behind the screen before going to bed. F. lux is great for that.

13. Make Sure the Temperature Is Right

To sleep well, you need proper bedding and pajamas (thicker in the winter and lighter in the summer), as well as proper heating or cooling. Keep in mind that you should keep the bedroom a few degrees cooler than the rest of the house.

Your body temperature drops while you sleep. Keep your bedroom cool, but not so cold that it feels uncomfortable. It allows your body to cool down properly.

Make sure your bedroom is well-ventilated. Ventilating the bedroom will not only help you achieve the desired temperature, but it’ll also help you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.

Poor air quality in the bedroom can cause you to wake up several times during the night.

In the summer, you can leave the window partially open at all times, but in the winter, it’s enough if you ventilate the room for a few minutes before going to bed.

14. Stick to Your Evening Habits

Doing something different than what you’re used to doing in the evenings can frighten your body and mind, preventing you from falling asleep when the time comes. It’s important to maintain normal habits, whatever they may be.

15. Don’t Lie in Bed When You Can’t Sleep

If you find yourself in bed for longer than 20 minutes, get up and do something else until you feel sleepy. It’s not worth lying in bed and hoping to fall asleep if you don’t fall asleep quickly.

It’s better to do something relaxing, such as reading a book, listening to music, or going for a walk. These activities will help you fall asleep faster because they have a calming effect.

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16. Relax

Relaxing both your body and mind is the key to helping you fall asleep quickly and peacefully. But what exactly does relaxation mean before going to bed?

First, avoid harsh physical activity. It’s far preferable to fall asleep while holding a book or thinking pleasant thoughts.

Yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques are extremely effective. If they don’t help, you can try expressing your concerns aloud. Expressing them in this manner also helps you cope with them.

Before going to bed, take a warm bath. A decrease in body temperature that follows a bath can help you feel sleepy before going to bed. Warming your hands and feet with a bottle of warm water, for example, should also help you fall asleep faster.

Avoid negative thoughts while trying to fall asleep and instead focus on positive ones to help you sleep better. Listen to music, preferably something relaxing. A soothing melody with no words is soothing and can help you sleep better.

Adjust the humidity level. Humidity levels also have an impact on your breathing and your ability to sleep.

Consider using this affordable humidifier if your bedroom is too dry. If your sleeping environment is too humid, consider using this cool dehumidifier.

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17. Don’t Worry Too Much About the Time

It’s already eleven o’clock at night. 11.30, 11.45, 11.50, and 11.52, and you’re still awake, despite the fact that you need to get up very early in the morning.

Does this sound familiar? It can actually help you fall asleep faster if you don’t constantly look at the clock. Constantly watching does not help; it only makes you more nervous and, as a result, less likely to fall asleep.

The more you stress about sleeping, the less you sleep. Stress disrupts sleep and prevents you from falling asleep, so try to avoid anxiety and do things that relax you.

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18. No Smart Devices

Cell phones, tablets, and computers can be distracting. Also, the light they emit, particularly blue light, suppresses melatonin secretion. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles; it increases in the evening to induce sleep.

If you absolutely, absolutely need to use smart devices, invest in a pair of affordable blue-light glasses such as these ones.

19. Sleep Alone or With Someone

You should sleep exactly as you normally do. Sharing a bed with someone can be difficult if you normally sleep alone. However, if you usually sleep with someone, lying alone in this large bed in complete silence can be unsettling.

To make your mind believe that you’re not alone, try sleeping with a soft toy or listening to so-called white noise as background music. Here’s a super-affordable white noise machine to make your nights more relaxing.

20. Have a Proper Mattress and Bed Linen

Mattresses and bed linen play a significant role in sleep management. When you wake up in the morning, you may experience back pain if your mattress is too hard or too soft.

Your mattress should be firm enough to provide you with a good night’s sleep. Here’s an affordable mattress that will guarantee you a good night’s sleep.

Pajamas, nightgowns, and bed linen should be made of natural and breathable materials. Use natural breathable fibers such as bamboo, wool, feathers, cotton, and linen.

Avoid synthetic materials like polyester, which don’t breathe well and tend to absorb heat and moisture. You should try to wash your bedding on a regular basis, including blankets and bedspreads.

Use weighted blankets like this one that provide stimulated pressure—a sensation that’s similar to a strong hug, a massage, or being wrapped in something.

Sleep naked. Sleeping naked has numerous benefits, all of which contribute to better sleep. One of the primary reasons is improved body thermoregulation.

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21. Select the Appropriate Alarm Tone

Most people need a little nudging in the morning to get out of bed. There are countless alarms available, so choose the best one for you. Try to find the most effective ringtone that is also the least frightening.

This gradual alarm clock is honestly a lifesaver. It’s also very affordable.

22. I Also Take Magnesium and Melatonin

I’m not telling you to take magnesium and melatonin; I’m just sharing with you my experiences with them. Before you take any new supplements, make sure to talk to your doctor.

Magnesium supplements are thought to help you sleep better and longer. Magnesium acts as a natural sedative and activates certain brain receptors that are critical for the development of sleep patterns.

I also take melatonin. It’s a natural substance that promotes sleep. Melatonin is a hormone that’s produced in the human brain and serves as a signal to the brain that daylight is fading and darkness is approaching.

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23. Let Your Imagination Run Wild

Imagine being in a place that makes you happy and content.

At the same time, imagine using your senses of sight, smell, and touch: for example, smell flowers somewhere in a tropical paradise; listen to the ocean splashing against the boat; and feel the grass beneath your feet.

You’ll soon fall asleep without even realizing it.

24. Try Not to Fall Asleep

Using this reverse psychology is among my favorite tips for falling asleep faster. It may seem strange, but if you can’t sleep, you could do the opposite of what you normally do or try to think about staying awake.

In most cases, falling asleep is an unintentional process that doesn’t require much effort on our part.

However, when we’re anxious, we start thinking about the time and calculating how much more sleep we can get, which makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Thinking about staying awake instead of falling asleep can help relieve anxiety and allow the brain to relax. This technique is used to reduce anxiety in cognitive behavioral therapy.

a pin for a blog post that talks about tips to get better sleep every night
a pin for a blog post that talks about tips to get better sleep every night

25. Use Some Relaxation Techniques

Roll your eyes. Literally. Close your eyes and rotate them three times. When we sleep, we do the same thing automatically, and it can help the body excrete melatonin.

You can also experiment with breathing through your left nostril. This technique is used in yoga because it lowers blood pressure and relaxes you.

If it takes you a lot of time to fall asleep, this old US Navy trick might help. This allows you to fall asleep in as little as 120 seconds.

Of course, the needs of the military are different from those of the rest of us. Soldiers must be able to sleep in difficult circumstances, noisy environments, and stressful situations.

As a result, this technique should help them (and hopefully you) fall asleep at any time of day or night, whether they’re in their comfortable beds or on the ground.

All you have to do is follow these six simple steps to relax your mind and body and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

1. Relax the muscles in your face. The relaxation of the body begins at the top, with the face. Relax your facial muscles and, of course, keep your eyes closed for the rest of the exercise.

2. Lower your shoulders. During daily activities, the shoulders and neck become extremely tense. Lowering your shoulders physically relaxes that part of your body, but it also has a psychological effect because you are releasing a heavy load from your shoulders.

3. Relax your hands. Continue naturally along the body, relaxing your hands. Keep your hands in a natural, comfortable position next to your body.

4. Exhale and relax your chest. The chest is the next thing you’re relaxing. To effectively relax it, exhale and let everything relax.

5. Relax your feet. Relax your feet the same way you relaxed your hands a few moments ago.

6. Clear your head of thoughts. After you’ve relaxed your entire body, it’s time to relax your mind as well.

But isn’t it true that getting rid of thoughts can be difficult at times? The US military offers two options.

Imagine yourself lying in a completely dark room (but on a comfortable couch or somewhere else where you won’t be afraid). If that isn’t enough, you can tell yourself repeatedly, “Don’t think! Don’t think! Don’t think!”

Then what? Then you should fall asleep in under two minutes. If that isn’t among the best tips to get better sleep, then I don’t know what is. Another miracle trick that makes you fall asleep almost immediately is known as “4-7-8.”

It’s a breathing exercise where you have to breathe through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale through your mouth for eight seconds.

According to experts, this combination of numbers has a chemical effect on the brain, which slows down the heart rate and soothes you so much that you fall asleep immediately.

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What Are Your Favorite Tips to Get Better Sleep Every Night?

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  1. Avatar for Sophie


    Sometimes you find a post just when you need it the most! Will certainly be using these!

  2. Avatar for Robert


    Some excellent tips and post on helping you sleep. I always read before going to sleep which I find helps me relax and helps me get sleepy and fall asleep quickly after turning the lights out. 🙂

  3. Avatar for Kaybee Lives

    Kaybee Lives

    This is so helpful! I am really bad at using screens before bed. I need to do a better job of having a book to read or journaling before bed instead. Great post!

  4. Avatar for Hayley


    These are great tips! I’m gonna have to work on not napping too late ?

  5. Avatar for Brittney


    From a person who has difficulty sleeping, this was helpful. Thank you! I will definitely benefit from this and take these in consideration.

  6. Avatar for Rachael


    These are great tips. I’ve heard great things about melatonin and need to try it! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Avatar for Jeny


    Great article. I didn’t knew that how so many things affects our sleep. Glad to know more.

  8. Avatar for Candice


    Great tips! It’s so true, when you worry about the hours, you really get NO sleep! Your post offered some great tips!

  9. Avatar for Alexa


    Don’t work out too late would be a good one for me! I didn’t know this had an impact on sleep, but it does make sense that working out earlier in the day would probably help me feel more refreshed.

  10. Avatar for Kathy


    Great post! Sleep is more important than most people realize. I chuckled when I got to the “sleep naked” part! I’m 64 and I’ve slept naked for the past 13 years, no matter the season :-).

    Question about the weighted blankets: do they keep you too warm? I like the idea of weight, but not if it adds heat…I need to sleep cool!

  11. Avatar for Kevin Foodie

    Kevin Foodie

    These are some excellent tips. Love the magnesium supplements relationship with better sleep. Great blog.

  12. Avatar for Jenn


    This is a great list! I’m sending it to a friend who struggles with insomnia.

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