43 Goals for Personal Growth That Everyone Can Set

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Table of Contents

Here Are Some Examples of Personal Development Goals That You Can Set

In this post, I’m going to present you with 43 goals for personal growth that you can set to become a better version of yourself and turn your life around. We should be continuously striving for personal development.

Personal development means trying to be a better version of ourselves by achieving more, living a better life, being more mindful, focusing on self-love, and improving the quality of our lives. That’s why setting self-growth goals comes into play.

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Self-Growth Goals That Are Related to Your Mental Health

1. Eliminate Everything That Drains Your Energy

Bad habits are the ones that drain your energy. Stop using curse words and gossiping. Replace negative thoughts and limiting beliefs with positive ones.

Put your past behind you and stop dwelling on it. Start to face your fears. It will make you stronger. Remove toxic people from your life. Stop comparing yourself to other people.

Stop worrying about things you have no control over. Spend less time on social media and live more in the present. Learn how to avoid drama and negative situations.

It’s not always the easiest choice, but it’s among the greatest examples of personal growth goals because, in this way, you’re prioritizing your mental well-being.

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2. Learn to Forgive

If you want to move forward with your life, you need to forgive both other people and yourself.

If you’re dwelling on the past, you’re focusing on something that has already happened instead of the good things that could happen. If you want to move forward and evolve, you can’t be stuck in the past.

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3. Improve Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

Getting rid of self-doubt and improving your self-esteem are also really good self-growth goals. Work towards becoming more confident. Your body language plays an important role in that, so make sure to work on that as well.

You might also like Soul Therapy, which is a daily, guided journal designed to help you with self-exploration, healing, and reflection.

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a happy and content woman

4. Try to Become a Better Friend and a Better Listener

Improving your personal relationships is an important element of self-improvement. However, besides just being a good friend, you should also learn to be a better listener.

Try to pay attention to what others are saying. You must learn to actively listen to people around you if you want to start improving your life. Think about what they’re saying, not what you’re going to say.

5. Eliminate Your Bad Habits

Bad habits are the ones that are holding you back from reaching your full potential, so there’s really no reason not to work on eliminating them.

When you start, work on eliminating one bad habit at a time, because this way, it won’t get too overwhelming.

6. Find Your “Why”

You can’t keep going if you haven’t found your “why,” the reason that drives you to work on your dreams and goals.

Take some time to learn what really motivates you and see if you can increase that motivation in your daily life. Celebrate all those small wins as they motivate you to work even harder.

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a happy and content woman

7. Reframe Your Mindset and Do a Mental Cleanse

Focus on reframing your mindset. Re-evaluate yourself, your priorities, and your goals. Self-reflection is certainly one of the best self-growth goals because, this way, you can really work on improving yourself.

Set high standards. Never settle for less than you deserve. Learn how to say no to things you’re not interested in.

Set boundaries. You’re allowed to do whatever you want. Don’t be afraid to go to therapy if needed. This shows how much you really care about yourself.

8. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone Every Day

Try something new once a week, whether it’s something you thought you couldn’t do or it’s just something you’ve wanted to do for a while.

Step outside of your comfort zone. I know you like being there, but it doesn’t help you evolve. I know trying new things scares you, but don’t be afraid. This fear is good because it motivates you to work harder.

What could happen if something goes wrong? Probably nothing. The only things you’ll regret are the ones you didn’t do. Here’s a monthly comfort zone challenge to push your boundaries.

9. Learn to Cope With Stress and Conflicts

Find stress management techniques that help you manage stress effectively. It’s one of those really good goals for personal growth because it’s really good for your mental wellness.

Also, learn how to resolve conflicts. While your goal should be to avoid conflicts, they still happen every now and then. Make sure you know how to resolve conflicts without stressing yourself out.

a happy and content woman

10. Do Things That Make You Happy

Make happiness your number one priority. Make sure to laugh each day. Laughter IS the best medicine. Come up with a list of things that genuinely make you happy, and try to do at least one thing from that list every day.

11. Give Back to Your Community

If you haven’t donated before, start small. Try to donate 5-10 items a month, and whatever you do, don’t go shopping to replace the things you just donated. Volunteer more, whether it’s in a shelter or soup kitchen.

12. Practice Self-Love and Positive Self-Talk

If you don’t love yourself, who will? It can be really tough because we know very well how to be harsh on ourselves, but sometimes we’re not very good at being kind to ourselves.

That’s why practicing self-love and positive self-talk play such a huge part in your self-improvement plan. They drastically improve your mental wellness.

Here are some tips to consider when you want to go on a self-love journey. My advice for you is to try to talk to yourself as you would talk to someone you love.

Whenever you feel like bringing yourself down, try to say something nice instead. I’ve written a great post on how to finally beat negative self-talk.

Here’s my all-time favorite self-love workbook that helps you discover how much there is to love about yourself.

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a happy and content woman

Goals for Self-Improvement That Are Related to Planning and Organizing

13. Set Specific Goals and Take Steps to Accomplish Them

Setting goals is relatively easy, but the main challenge is achieving them. Most of us set too many big goals that overwhelm us.

This leads to giving up or even burnout. When you’re setting goals, make sure they’re realistic and measurable, and also break them down into smaller steps.

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14. Figure Out Your Priorities

I think the key to everything is planning. If you figure out your priorities, you can also plan your day accordingly. I mean, you can literally keep lists for everything. You’re 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.

Come up with a daily to-do list and stick to it. Make it a goal to work smarter, not harder. Tackle the hardest tasks first, as it will increase your productivity a lot.

15. Make Your Bed

Let’s talk about why I included making your bed among these examples of personal development goals. Making your bed is among the best habits to start because it only takes a few minutes but makes your bedroom look much better.

It also improves your mood if you come home after a long day to a bed that’s already been made. Everything starts with a bed that’s been made.

a happy and content woman

16. Make Your Home Cozy

Making your home cozy also boosts your mood and makes you feel much better. Besides, you don’t need tons of money to make your home comfortable.

Add some cozy pillows, blankets, or carpets; light some scented candles like this vanilla one; hang some beautiful photos on the wall; and you’re good to go.

17. Start a Habit Tracker

A habit tracker like this one, just like the name says, allows you to simply measure whether you do certain habits or not. The simplest method is to buy a calendar and cross off each day that you follow your desired habits.

For example, if you work out on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, each of those days receives an X. So, in this way, you have an overview of how well you’re performing.

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18. Get Organized and Declutter

Getting organized and decluttering are among my favorite self-growth goals. I just love, love, love organizing and cleaning.

If you want to stay motivated to live in your home, you need to focus on the things you can do to make it more cozy and enjoyable.

Organize your desk and workspace regularly. Adapt simple cleaning habits that help you keep your personal space tidy.

Clutter drives me crazy, so I try to donate or sell all those things that no longer serve me any purpose (please don’t just throw things away; you can always use, sell, or donate them).

a happy and content woman

19. Wake Up Earlier

Waking up earlier allows you to get much more done. Everything starts in the morning. The way you act first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.

If you start your day off lazily, you’ll feel the same way the rest of the day. If you start your day off on a pleasant, productive note, the rest of the day is likely to continue this way.

20. Schedule Everything

Have a routine for everything that can help you maintain order in your life. Create daily to-do lists that you can complete each day. If you know exactly what you have to do, you won’t waste that much time on unimportant things.

It also minimizes burnout and exhaustion. What you can also do is establish a proper morning routine and a proper night routine and stick to them.

21. Work on Your Time Management Skills

What is time management, and why is it among these goals for personal growth? Time management means planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management allows you to work smarter, not harder.

One of the important things about time management is the ability to delegate and outsource tasks, so make sure to work on that as well.

22. Learn to Stop Procrastinating on Tasks to Improve Yourself

Procrastination means postponing things, although you know very well that there will be negative consequences for doing so. However, the good news is that it’s totally possible to overcome procrastination.

Managing your finances

23. Create a Budget

Come up with a budget that works for you. Budgeting isn’t scary, but it gives you control over your money.

If you know exactly how much money you can spend on certain things, you’ll be less stressed as well, because you’ll know you’re not overspending and you have everything under control.

24. Track Your Spending

Do you know how much money you spend on food? Or clothes? I think most of us would be really surprised if we actually knew what we’re spending our money on.

If you want to have control over your money, you have to track your spending and adjust it accordingly. Here’s a cute budget planner that will help you keep things under control.

a happy and content woman

25. Ask for a Raise at Work

You certainly deserve a raise for all the hard work you’re doing.

I know that sometimes asking for a raise isn’t possible, especially when you have a fixed salary, but if you know you might have the opportunity to get one, don’t be afraid to ask for it.

Professional success and professional development motivate you to push even harder.

26. Create an Emergency Fund

To avoid borrowing money and putting yourself into debt to fix these situations, try to save at least some money every month and put it into your emergency fund.

The amount you save doesn’t have to be huge, but at least you’re securing your future.

How many of you have an emergency fund? I think most people don’t think about creating an emergency fund until they have an actual need for it (when it’s too late).

It happens quite often that your washing machine or your car break right when you least expect it.

27. Save an X Amount of Money a Month

Try to track where your money is going each day, week, or month and adjust it accordingly.

You should try to save some money for your future plans, whether it’s a new car, a vacation, or if you’re just planning to redecorate your home.

Just like with creating an emergency fund, the amount of money you save doesn’t have to be huge. You can start by putting aside 30 to 100 dollars every month (if you can, of course).

What matters is that you’re taking small steps toward being financially independent.

a happy and content woman

28. Cut Your Expenses

Sometimes we waste money on unnecessary things, services, or subscriptions without even realizing it. Evaluate your spending and cut all the expenses you can.

29. Pay Off Your Debt

I don’t have any debt right now, but if I did, I would try to pay it off as fast as possible. The worst thing about debt is the interest. What I would do is make a bigger payment every month, and I would also start with the debt that has the highest interest.

If you can, always try to avoid borrowing money.

You can take up a side job, sell your belongings, or even start a blog (but it’s more like a long-term commitment if you want to start earning money). Think about the things you can do to avoid borrowing money.

Goals for Personal Growth That Are Related to Your Hobbies and Educating Yourself

30. Learn a New Language

Have you been wanting to learn something new—whether it’s French, Italian, Russian, or even sign language?

There are quite a few free apps and websites that help you learn a new language. My personal favorite is Duolingo. Remember, every new skill you learn broadens your opportunities in life.

31. Listen to Motivational and Educational Podcasts

Motivational podcasts help you change your mindset and thoughts. They will broaden your knowledge and change your outlook on life.

They give you an opportunity to learn from other people’s mistakes and wisdom. You can listen to podcasts while cleaning your home, commuting to work, or walking your dog.

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a happy and content woman

32. Challenge Yourself

Try to challenge yourself every day. Every morning, come up with one challenge for the day. When we talk about self-growth goals, challenging yourself is the most important one, as it helps you evolve and grow as a person.

Don’t be afraid to dream bigger. No dream is too big. Everything is possible if you have a growth mindset. Here’s my 30-day personal growth challenge that will make a difference in your life.

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33. Read at Least One New Book Every Month

Reading is crucial for personal growth. You can try reading at least one book a month, but if you want to improve yourself even more, try to read at least one book a week.

If you travel or just move around a lot and don’t want to carry a lot of books with you, I recommend getting a Kindle, so you can easily access your books wherever you are. 

34. Find a Hobby That You Truly Love

Maybe you want to learn how to juggle or play the guitar? Try it! This is among the greatest goals for personal growth, as it lets you explore yourself, who you really are, and what you really want.

When you’re trying a new hobby, try to stick with it for at least 3 months before you ditch it. How to find a hobby that you truly love? You can try going back to a hobby you used to have but then neglected.

You can try taking a course in something you’re interested in and see where it leads you. You can also try taking a course to expand your current interests or hobbies. Here are over 50 cool hobby ideas to consider if you’re in your 20s.

a happy and content woman

35. Take a Course or Certification That Will Move Your Career or Business Forward

Take a course in something you want to learn that’s beneficial to your career or business. If you don’t have your own business, try to think of ideas that could help you start one from your hobby.

With the right passion, you can turn every hobby into a business.

36. Create a Work-Life Balance That You Are Happy With

When you work too much without resting, you’ll soon experience burnout. To avoid burnout, create a work-life balance that works for you. Maybe you’re not a 9-5 person at all?

Think about how you can use your time and what you can do to earn money. When you’re stressed, you’ll actually get less done, and it can be pretty hard to recover from burnout.

Working Out and Taking Care of Your Body

37. Drink More Water

Drinking more water is probably on everyone’s New Year’s resolution list, but most people actually fail at it.

The required amount of water is different for everybody, but I try to aim for at least 2 liters (around 68 ounces). Or you can just try drinking one cup of water every hour you’re awake.

I really recommend this motivational and affordable water bottle, as it really helps you measure your daily intake of water and reminds you to stay hydrated and drink enough water throughout the day.

a happy and content woman

38. Get Enough Sleep at Night

The right amount of sleep is different for everyone, but you should try to sleep for at least 7–9 hours.

I know how difficult it can be, especially when you have so many responsibilities to take care of, but this is one of those self-growth goals that will have a huge impact on your overall well-being.

39. Eat Clean and Healthy Foods

I know it’s not always that easy and, at times, it can be pretty costly, but in the end, you will feel better if you fuel your body with healthy foods that make it happy. This is a bulletproof way to feel more energized and make you glow.

Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to eat only vegetables. You should start with small steps. Reduce caffeine and sugar intake as much as possible. Eat at least one kind of vegetable with every meal. Try to eat less fast food and takeout.

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40. Walk More

Walk at least 10,000 steps a day. Walking outside has so many benefits. Sunlight is a good (and free) source of vitamin D, so make sure to spend as much time outside as possible. 

a happy and content woman

41. Start Working Out and Do It Regularly

You can try the Couch to 5K program. Don’t forget to do some light stretching or even some yoga every morning.

As for working out, find something nice that you know you’ll enjoy. You don’t have to do anything too intense. The goal is to get you to move your body every day.

I’ve found that since buying myself a smartwatch (the one I linked is a really affordable and super cute one), my activity has increased a lot. There’s something so motivating when you see your daily number of steps increase.

42. Take Care of Your Skin

Having a proper skincare routine is crucial. This plays a huge part in your self-growth plan because taking care of your hair and skin makes a huge difference in your well-being.

Try to have a self-care day every once in a while. Make sure to wear sunscreen with at least SPF 70 every time you go out.

The sun is not joking. You should also try to drink less alcohol and stop smoking (if you do that), as these also play such a huge role in both your mental and physical health.

43. Take Care of Your Mind and Soul

Taking care of your mind and soul is a huge part of self-care.

Try to practice powerful body-positive affirmations, read motivational quotes about life struggles, write in a gratitude journal, meditate, practice mindfulness, and engage in positive self-talk.

Your mental and physical health are connected, so if you take care of your mind, you’re actually taking care of your body as well.

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FAQ: Why Is It Important to Set SMART Goals for the Future?

Setting goals gives you a clear direction and allows you to make progress toward a specific goal. Having clear, well-defined goals keeps you on track and gives you motivation and a sense of purpose.

When you set goals, you can track your progress and see how much you’ve achieved, which is both empowering and encouraging.

Setting goals helps you focus on what really matters, so you can put your energy into the things that will make the biggest difference.

Personal growth goals help you spot areas where you can improve and give you something to work toward, leading to self-improvement and growth.

Reaching your self-improvement goals brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness, which can boost your overall well-being.

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These Are the Goals for Personal Growth You Should Set if You Want to Change Your Life

What did you think of this list of examples of personal growth goals? What goals for personal growth have you set for yourself? I would love to know.

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