177 Useful Habit Tracker Ideas to Organize Your Life

The Only Habit Tracker Ideas List You Need
Keep reading if you’ve finally decided to track your habits and are looking for interesting habit tracker ideas to get some inspiration and finally get your life back on track.
Each of us has something we would like to change in our daily lives, such as moving more, eating fewer sweets, getting up earlier, and so on.
We’ve probably tried one, two, or three things, but we often find that we’ve inadvertently reverted to our old habits: we forget, we’re tired and don’t bother, we can’t find a suitable time, or we simply lose motivation.
These new things seem so difficult to do in comparison to what we’re used to. The reason for this is that desirable behavior doesn’t become a natural daily habit for us.
The survival of new behaviors in our daily lives is dependent on the formation of habits.
Learning new behaviors (such as going for a run or developing a billion-dollar morning routine like this one) takes effort, whereas doing normal daily activities is often simple and even automatic—making coffee in the morning comes naturally.
The goal is to make jogging or meditating in the morning a simple daily habit.
Your new habit(s) should be the following:
- Short.
- Specific. Instead of “running three miles,” make it a habit to “go for a run.”
- Repeatable, such as “drink hot chocolate every morning instead of coffee” rather than just “quit drinking coffee.”
- Daily.
You should connect your new habit to an existing activity. This action will serve as your trigger. For example, you can do your new habit right after dinner, right after arriving at work, or right after brushing your teeth in the morning.

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Over 150 Monthly Habit Tracker Ideas That You’re Going to Love
1. Finances
- Monitored my spending
- Didn’t buy bottled water
- Followed my budget
- Didn’t eat out
- Didn’t waste money on takeout coffee
- After each payday, put aside a particular amount each month
- Didn’t place a takeout order
- Set aside x dollars this week
NB: If you’re looking for habit trackers, you might like the following ones:
1. A motivational habit tracker calendar to help you establish and track your new habits
2. A colorful goal and habit tracker to help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted
3. An inspirational habit journal to end your low motivation and low energy for your meaningful goals
You might also like: Take Control of Your Life by Learning to Organize It
2. Organizing (Life Planning)
- Returned all emails, messages, texts, or phone calls
- Kept track of my bills
- Cleaned the oven, stove, or refrigerator
- Used a notebook in every life situation. Here’s a REUSABLE notebook that I really like.
- Used a stopwatch (here’s a cute and affordable one) to make better use of time
- Worked on my personal projects
- Arranged my e-mail folders
- Did laundry
- Planned and scheduled days
- Have a mood tracker like this one
- Completed all the tasks on the to-do list
- Finished an unfinished project
- Cleaned the toilet
- Cleaned the counters
- Organized my fridge, wardrobe, desk, or office
- Tidied up the pantry (check the dates)
- Cleaned the windows
- Unloaded the dishwasher
- Have a cycle or period tracker
- Cleaned the sink in the kitchen or bathroom
- Took the trash out
- Cleaned my living space or workspace

- Prepared for the next day the night before
- Put laundry away
- Develop a tracker for grocery restocking or a shopping schedule.
- Tried to get rid of at least one extra thing a day
- Stuck to my routines
- Did the dishes after dinner
- Made my bed
- Delegated everything that can be delegated
- Mowed the lawn
- Keep track of your medical appointments. Here’s an affordable appointment planner.
- Set goals
- Used a day planner
- Washed my car
- Changed sheets or towels
- Came up with a dinner plan or schedule. You can also buy this weekly meal planner.
- Have a fridge inventory tracker
- Used my time effectively
- Vacuumed
- Dusted
- Worked on my side business for x hours
- Watered the plants
- Cleaned the bathroom
- Devoted at least 30 minutes a day to my favorite activities
3. Habit Tracker Ideas That Are Related to Mental Health/Self-Care
- Had a date night
- Washed face
- Had a self-care day
- Ate all my veggies for the day
- Took good care of my body
- Didn’t scroll mindlessly
- Took care of my mental health
- Did at least one self-care activity
- Visualized
- Didn’t consume alcohol
- Kept my mind, soul, and body in good shape
- Applied a face mask
- Avoided fast food
- Shaved
- Rested
- No screens first thing in the morning
- Track your beauty appointments
- Ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Practiced positive affirmations
- Went to therapy
- Smiled more
- Moisturized my face and body
- Washed hair

- Showered
- No screens before bed
- Took a break
- Flossed teeth
- Didn’t smoke
- Practiced mindfulness
- Had a nap
- Drank enough water
- Took medication
- Maintain a prescription refill schedule
- Praised myself
- Practiced gratitude
- Meditated
- Ate all my fruits for the day
- Treated myself
- Took (beauty) vitamins or collagen supplements
- Took a bath
- Brushed teeth twice a day
- Kept a journal before bed (try these nightly journal ideas)
- Wore a good sunscreen like this one
- Took care of my skin
- Practiced breathing exercises
- Went on a solo date with myself. Here are some fun ideas for self-dates.
Here are three planners that will change your life:
1. The law of attraction planner to become the best possible version of yourself on a mental, physical & interpersonal level
2. Legend Planner to help you stay organized, achieve your goals, and manage your time
3. A deluxe life goal planner to help you learn how to set big goals, be happy, and manage your time well
You might also like: Master a Soothing Self-Care Evening Routine for Relaxation

4. Personal Development and Habits to Track in Your Bullet Journal
- Wasn’t late to work
- Didn’t gossip
- Learned something new
- Thought happy thoughts
- Taught someone something new every day (it can be as simple as an interesting fact)
- Told a loved one you love them
- Laughed
- Lived in the moment
- Complimented a stranger
- Read at least one chapter of a good book
- Stepped out of my comfort zone
- Avoided negative self-talk
- Got X hours of sleep
- Engaged in a hobby
- Cooked something new
- Made a person smile
- Got up half an hour earlier than usual to work on my goals
- Did something unselfish
- Spent a day without social media
- Called a friend or a relative
- Tracked my thoughts, let go of negative emotions, and re-evaluated my thoughts. Here’s a thought tracker that you can use to reduce negative feelings and calm your anxiety.
- Said “no”
- Maintained a regular morning routine like this one
- Did something new
- Made new friends
- Tried not to worry
- Didn’t snooze the alarm
- Listened to music with a beautiful message
- Brought my own lunch to work
- Gave up a bad habit

- Did something creative
- Didn’t criticize myself
- Made a list of things to be grateful for
- Educated myself
- Reduced my TV viewing and online time
- Kept up with the news
- Took risks
- Acquired a new skill
- Didn’t lie
- Did brain workouts to train my brain
- Listened to a podcast about motivation
- Enhanced my memory using these good memory improvement tips
- Strived for change and growth
- Took a few photos
- Helped others
- Didn’t compare myself to others
- Didn’t worry about things that I have no control over
- Expressed my feelings
- Spent time with myself
- Went to bed 5 minutes earlier every day
- Volunteered and gave back
- Did something environmentally beneficial
- Spent time with friends and family
- Asked myself these self-discovery questions
- Did something that really scares me
- Posted a supportive message on someone’s page
- Maintained a regular night routine like this one
- Read something educational or inspiring
- Didn’t bring work home
You might also like: 50 Daily Habits That Will Transform Your Life
5. Goal Tracker Ideas That Are Related to Pets
- Cleaned the litter box
- Fed the pet twice a day (or other feeding schedules)
- Washed, brushed, or groomed the pet
- Trimmed pet’s nails
- Filled the bowl with fresh water
- Walked the pet
- Washed the food or water dishes
6. Physical (Sport)
- Worked out
- Exercised for at least 30 minutes
- Ran x miles
- Spent time outdoors
- Stretched and worked on my flexibility
- Took a walk
- Took the stairs instead of the elevator
- Walked at least 10,000 steps per day
- Went to the gym

FAQ: Good Tips to Help Your New Habits Stick
Now that we’ve talked about tracker ideas, let’s talk about some good tips you can use to guarantee that your new habits will stick.
Set Up Automatic Reminders
A calendar reminder, an alarm clock, a physical obstacle in your room, or a sticky note on your computer monitor are all examples of reminders.
Determine for Yourself Why This Habit Is So Important to You
It’s routine if you do it just for the sake of doing it. If you decipher it, however, this habit becomes a ritual with a much deeper meaning.
For example, I floss my teeth every time I get out of the shower at night because I value the long-term health of my teeth and body.
Make It So Simple That You Can’t Help but Do It
For example, say you want to read a book for 15 minutes every morning after breakfast. For a shortened version, read for 10 minutes.
Another option is to read just one page. Another option is to read just one paragraph. Whatever you do that day, treat yourself as if you gave it your all.
Make Your Habit as Simple as Possible
Each extra step you have to take reduces the likelihood that you’ll continue to do it.
For example, if your morning yoga routine includes ten steps (such as selecting an exercise, looking for the mat, changing clothes, turning on the air conditioner, selecting background music, and so on), you may never get to the activity.
Think About What Kind of Behavior You Want to Develop in Yourself
The goal should be specific enough that you can track its achievement. For example, rather than simply wanting to move more, aim for a 30-minute run five days a week.
In this case, you can clearly assess whether you have met your goal on a daily basis. Besides, your new habit should be consistent with your personality. If running isn’t your thing, don’t force it; instead, take a walk.
You might also like: A Long List of New, Interesting Goals to Set This Month

Think About Whether Achieving This Goal Is Doable and Affordable for You Over the Long Term
It’s preferable to begin forming a habit in small steps. If you’re not used to running, for example, you could begin by taking a quick walk every day in your running clothes and gradually increase it.
Think About When You Will Perform This Activity
It’s important for the formation of a habit that it occurs in the same context and at the same time every time. You can, for example, run in the morning right after waking up or in the evening right after finishing your studies.
Change Your Surroundings to Make This Activity as Simple as Possible for You
Lay out your running clothes the night before or after morning errands, for example, so you can easily see them when the time comes. Set reminders if necessary to avoid forgetting.
Include Your Family and Friends
Invite them to join you in developing a habit or explain your goals to them so they can motivate and support you. It’s easier to stay on track when everyone is on the same page.
Never Give Up
A habit takes 66 days to form on average, or 10 weeks if it’s a daily habit. The more you progress, the more automatic and simple the action becomes.
Create a System for Tracking Your Progress
Fill out a habit tracker chart where you can cross off each successful day, or use a habit tracking app like HabitBull. Or, devise a self-rewarding system. It’s okay if you don’t succeed the first few times; just try again the next day.
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The Basis of Habit-Tracking Ideas
What kind of habit do you want to develop in yourself? What have been your challenges so far, and how can you overcome them with the help of this post?
Above all, a habit tracker assists you in directing more attention and awareness toward your behavior, which shapes your daily habits, which in turn shape your future.
It also encourages you to be consistent and to take responsibility for your own future.
Tracking habits is effective for three reasons:
- It feels good to document your success at the moment.
- It’s encouraging to see how far you’ve come. You don’t want to end your winning streak.
- It creates a visual cue (the X’s in a row) that can serve as a reminder to act.
To sum up, a habit tracker is a simple way to determine whether you have followed through on a habit. The most basic method is to get a calendar and cross off every day that you follow your desired routine.
If you practice gratitude on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for example, each of those days gets an X. The calendar becomes a record of your habit streak as time passes.
Simply choose your habit and begin crossing off the days. Whatever design you choose, the important thing is that your habit tracker provides immediate evidence that you completed your habit.
It indicates that you are making progress and therefore keeps you motivated.
These Are the Best Habit Tracker Ideas for Your Bullet Journal
That’s it for today’s post about some really good habit tracker inspiration. Did you find any new bullet journal habit tracker ideas? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Whoa! Life changing! Thank you! Sharing!
Deanna | Life By Deanna
Having some habits to track for your pet is such a good idea!!
That’s a lot of habits to track! I loved how you organized them all into groups that make sense. I’ve been working on breaking my nail biting habit for a full year now! It’s still hard not to do it!