38 Powerful Ways to Romanticize Your Life Today

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How Do You Start Romanticizing Your Life?

If you’re looking for ways to romanticize your life, keep reading, as you’re in the right place. So, in this blog post, I’m going to show you how to make your life more exciting. Without further ado, let’s dive into it.

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Now I’m Going to Show You How You Can Start Romanticizing Your Life

1. Love Yourself and Believe In Yourself

Learn to love yourself. Spend time with yourself. Look at how beautiful you are—how beautiful your heart and soul are. Tell yourself in front of a mirror every day that you love and respect yourself as you are.

The course of your life isn’t written down in a book. Changing your attitude is a strategy that helps you become the person you want to be. A good start is when you stop dealing with the things that are hurting you.

Share the love for yourself. The subconscious beliefs from our childhood that prevent us from loving ourselves can become an obstacle because we have been taught that it’s selfish and inappropriate.

It’s time to let go of such beliefs. If we don’t truly respect ourselves, we won’t receive love and respect from others.

Emphasize the positive. Of course, there’ll be failures along the way, but don’t cling to them. Focus on your daily accomplishments—that encourages the desire to succeed.

Words, actions, attitudes, and experiences, as well as commitment, will help you continue to be confident.

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2. Do Only What You Truly Enjoy and What Makes You Happy

What are the things that have made you happy throughout your life? What are the things you have always dreamed of doing but have always stuck to your limitations and fears without daring to overcome them?

Be aware of these limitations and fears and overcome them with confidence. If your job doesn’t make you happy, change it. If you can’t or don’t want to change jobs, change your attitude.

There’s always something positive in every job. Find it for yourself. Making a living can’t be the only purpose of work. Life can never be about just earning a living; it’s meant to be enjoyed. Don’t forget it, and don’t waste any more valuable moments.

happy people

3. Take Care of Your Body

Taking care of your body plays a huge part in romanticizing your life.

Keep your physical body in good shape. Get involved in the sport you enjoy most. Every year, sports clubs add more and more exciting training programs, so find one that interests you and start doing it.

Work out every morning. Working out in the morning should be a key part of your morning routine.

Even just a few minutes of training every morning will significantly increase your energy levels, improve your physical and mental health, increase your self-esteem and emotional well-being, and allow you to think better and focus longer.

Moving immediately after waking up will help you get alert, achieve spiritual clarity, and maintain a higher level of energy until the end of the day. Try yoga. A well-performed yoga lesson can improve your life in many ways.

Yoga can heal aspects that have gone out of harmony, move trapped or blocked energies, and create space for a new circulation of fluid, blood, and energy.

If you’re looking for a good yoga mat, here’s one that I really recommend. Here are 100 relaxing self-care ideas to help you unwind after a stressful day.

4. Watch Less TV and Limit Your Time Online

Television and the internet are time robbers and, unfortunately, addictive. If you’re constantly short on time, try to realize how much time you spend on them. You have a lot more time for everything else if you just shut them down.

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5. Reading Books Is One of the Very Good Ways to Romanticize Your Life

Expand your world with inspiring thoughts. You’ll surely discover many new and interesting things that you haven’t even noticed before. The more you read, the more your world expands.

We tend to forget that spending quality time with ourselves is very important. So take a walk to the library and borrow a good book.

Besides, you don’t always have to go to the library because it’s possible to borrow e-books and audiobooks via the Internet as well. If you’re more serious about e-books, you could also invest in a Kindle. It’s a lifesaver.

happy people

6. Help Others

Offer your helping hand whenever possible. Help those who really need it. Do something good and enjoy it without waiting for anything in return. One of the biggest mistakes people make is waiting for other people to return their good deeds.

In fact, it’s enough for you to know that every good deed done will come back to you ten times, but you never know in what form or from whom.

7. Enjoy Life Alone

If you want to romanticize life, you also need to learn to enjoy it alone.

Enjoy the little moments of your life: the birds singing, the noise of the sea, and the warmth of the sunshine. Enjoy everything. If you don’t have anyone to do it with, do it all alone.

Don’t wait for anyone else to enjoy life. Life is awesome, even when you’re alone. The people with whom to do all this will soon come into your life.

Take care of yourself. Go get a massage or pedicure, enjoy your favorite chocolate, and buy beautiful lingerie. Treat yourself to something you enjoy and love. Have a spa evening at home.

Take it as a valuable time for yourself because nice hand and foot care and a soothing face mask make you feel good.

Meditate, practice yoga, draw, and write. Travel—alone. While it can be scary, traveling alone is actually a wonderful way to help you face your fears, find yourself, and become more confident.

Buy flowers. Compared to a flower shop, cut flowers sold in grocery stores are much cheaper. Make yourself happy and buy a bouquet of your favorite flowers, which will make your home cozier.

Have lunch outside. If you usually eat food you bring from home, allow yourself to have lunch outside from time to time.

Treat yourself to good coffee. Coffee drinks are expensive in cafes, especially if you have to buy them every day. So, if you usually drink coffee at home, sometimes you can treat yourself to a cappuccino.

Prepare restaurant-worthy food at home. Visiting the restaurant is associated with luxury and specialty.

At the same time, you can make something different at home than your regular everyday dish. If you are not a great chef yourself, invite a friend over who cooks well.

Go to the movies. Watching a movie on the big screen in a cinema is more fun than doing it at home on a small TV or computer. Look for an affordable cinema and enjoy good entertainment.

Take a walk in nature. Sometimes you just need to take time off and take a break from everyday life.

The best option for this is walking or exercising in nature, because this way you get a good dose of positive energy from the fresh air and the sounds of nature.

Take a luxurious bath as part of your bedtime routine, like this one here. A proper evening of self-care starts with a soothing bath.

Pamper yourself with some soothing bath bombs like these, light some scented candles (here’s a candle that smells oh-so-good), and relax in the warm water.

Play more. Yes, you read it correctly. When was the last time you did something just because it was fun? How do you spend your free time alone when you’re not watching Netflix?

When you find it difficult (or even impossible) to answer, it means your stressful adult life has become more important than having fun.

A lack of self-love or constant self-criticism can be caused by taking life too seriously. Create regular “play time” in your life by dancing, painting, or going to a trampoline center or escape room.

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a happy woman

8. Laugh a Lot and Smile at Everyone and Everything

Laughing and smiling raise your body’s happiness hormone levels, and the higher they are, the happier you can be all the time. Don’t forget to laugh. There’s nothing better than laughing until you cry.

Surround yourself with people who enjoy good jokes, watch ridiculous movies, or find out about laughter yoga or therapy. That’s exactly what I do while romanticizing my life.

Here are three book recommendations for you:

  1. Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill
  2. How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t: 14 Habits That Are Holding You Back from Happiness
  3. The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life

9. Think Happy Thoughts

Make yourself aware that all your thoughts create reality for you. Make sure your thoughts are always loving, beautiful, positive, and good. Although happiness is abstract and can’t be touched, every small step brings you closer to it.

That’s how your whole life gradually gets much better. When you reach a state of inner peace within yourself and experience joy and love in as many moments as possible, that’s happiness.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Thoughts are very important. Whatever you think, you will get.

Your present life reflects the quality of your thoughts in the past. If you want to change the future, you should change your thoughts now. In order to live well, you should fill your mind with the “right” thoughts—positive, hopeful, and loving.

The right thinking will help you get everything you want. The wrong (negative, destructive to yourself and others) thinking will only harm and destroy you. When you change your thinking, you change your life.

10. If You’re Looking for Ways to Romanticize Your Life, Be Grateful

There’s always something to be grateful for (here’s a list of 100 things to be thankful for), but many people just take things for granted.

Gratitude is very important. Gratitude signals to the universe that you are feeling well, so the universe can send you even more things to be grateful for.

Be grateful for everything in your life. Be grateful for your loved ones. Be grateful for all the experiences that life has brought you. Be grateful for everything you already have in your life and for what you will get in the future.

Here’s a lovely gratitude journal that requires only A FEW minutes of your day. Practicing gratitude has never been that easy. Be grateful that you’re healthy and happy. Be grateful that you live and breathe. Be thankful for every moment you have.

Be grateful. Yes, it may sound stupid, but give it a try: find three things you are grateful for every day. Even if they are the tiniest things. Gratitude makes you happier.

a happy woman

11. Eat Healthily and Prefer Homegrown Foods

The healthier your diet, the longer you’ll live. For example, you can replace some meat portions with healthy legumes like lentils, beans, or chickpeas.

Choose food that is grown near you rather than grabbing something from the store that has been circling the earth.

Use less sugar and salt. Grow your own food. If you can’t build a small garden or plant apple trees, you can grow herbs on the windowsill.

They are useful (the more herbs you add to the food, the less salt you need) and decorative. Pay attention to nutrition. What you eat should show love for yourself. You certainly know the phrase, “You are what you eat.”

This is true in some ways—food is like information that tells your body what to do.

So, if you want to know how to romanticize your life, then I suggest you eat healthily. After all, health is the best gift you can give yourself. Pleasure is also important, so eat the food you love without guilt.

12. Take Your Time and Avoid Stress

Take time for yourself. If you rush like a squirrel on a wheel and don’t dedicate time to yourself, you’ll soon experience burnout.

Take time for yourself and your thoughts. Be alone and enjoy your home, even if you have tons of work to do or a large family that needs attention.

Remember that, as much as others, you need to love and appreciate yourself to be happy. So worry less. What if you can’t do something right away? Do half of it, but do it well.

Let go of everything you can’t change. Don’t keep people and things around you that create negative energy in your life. Get rid of them, and you will immediately notice how much easier life will get.

Never take a moment to think of people who make you sad. Take your time. Try to calm down and enjoy what is happening.

There are other ways to relax: meditation, practicing anxiety-relief exercises, walking in nature, practicing yoga, or heading to the library to hunt for undiscovered books.

13. How to Romanticize Life? Spend More Time With Your Loved Ones

When was the last time you hugged someone? When was the last time you did something nice and creative with your loved ones? When was the last time you incorporated special moments into your daily life?

Whatever those answers are, do them more often, and don’t let your daily routine take over your life.

Invite friends over, enjoy good food, and be together. While it’s important to make time for yourself, it’s also important to be able to share it with others.

Don’t keep it all to yourself; share it with the people you love! It doesn’t matter at all whether the table is covered with food or the home shines like a diamond—the most important thing is that you enjoy each other’s company and can share these moments.

It’s good to do good, so whenever possible, take care of others as well—whether it’s through charity or donating things. Believe me, you are far happier giving than keeping the unnecessary items that tend to accumulate in your home.

a happy woman

14. Visualize Your Goals and Create Your Future

If everything was possible, what would your life be like now? What kind of life would you like to live? Put your imagination to work.

Dare to see the big picture. Don’t settle for less than what you really want. The richer your imagination, the more beautiful the life you create for yourself.

The imagination has such a great ability. What is the life you would like to live? Imagine it in your head. What kind of person would you like to be? What kind of relationship would you like to have?

Live your life like you already have it all. Feel the feelings you would have if you could do all these wonderful things.

Write down your dreams in a bucket list journal in the most spectacular way you can think of, without thinking for a moment that they could be unrealistic. You deserve everything you want.

15. Take a Fresh Look At Things at Home

Home is the foundation of a good feeling. It should be a place where you feel good and where you always want to go back. So invest in it and make it your fortress.

Remove all unnecessary items from your home. Sort out everything you don’t need, from dust rolls to clothes you no longer wear. It also helps organize the mind and gives you an incredible amount of energy.

Try to clean the rooms carefully, move the furniture around if necessary, and inspect the whole home with a fresh eye. Do you really need all the things you have at home?

All objects collect energy. You should throw away broken things because they radiate negative energy. You can give away things that are useless but not broken. Your old stuff might be someone else’s new stuff.

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16. Surround Yourself With People Who Love and Support You

Surround yourself with good, positive people who support and love you. People you can count on if things go wrong.

People who know you. Who accept you as you are. Stay away from those who put you down and criticize you. You need good friends to support you.

Try to be a better person. Be flexible. Go with the flow of life and don’t swim against it. It’s one of the best ways to romanticize your life.

Follow successful people. Read the life stories of great men and women and learn from their experiences. Get inspired by their commitment. 

happy people

17. Pay Attention to the Colors Around You

It’s also worth examining the home in terms of the color scheme because every color has an effect on your body. There are many beautiful colors that give us positive energy.

Try different colors and feel how your body reacts. If the feeling is good, then the color is appropriate. If the feeling is difficult, then it’s not. We need to look for the feeling of pleasure because it always leads us in the right direction.

18. Listen to Music With a Beautiful Message

I think this is great advice on how to romanticize your life. When listening to music at home, in the car, at work, or even with earphones, it’s worth paying attention to what we’re actually listening to.

Some styles of music make us restless and nervous; others are melancholic; some create good energy; and some calm us down.

In addition to style, the words you hear are also important. You also have to pay attention to the words of the music, because if we constantly listen and sing along to failed love, we will also attract it.

What music do you listen to? What is it about? Does it support your positive energy or make you more nervous?

19. Crystals Provide Energy and Increase the Frequency

Crystals have a strong ability to increase our energy frequency. Try placing a few different crystals in your home, office, or even handbags because they support you.

You can choose exactly what you like. And then later, you can look at the features of the crystals.

We always intuitively choose the right crystal for ourselves. However, if you want a little guidance, amethyst, selenite, and pink quartz are suitable for your home.

All of these purify and promote the energy of good, soothing, and unconditional love.

20. Meditate

The essence of meditation is to silence or focus your mind for a period of time. Research proves that meditation can be more effective than medicine.

Studies link meditation to improvements in metabolism, blood pressure, brain function, and other bodily functions. It can relieve stress and pain, contribute to good sleep, strengthen the ability to concentrate and focus, and even prolong life.

It also doesn’t take much time to meditate at home. A few minutes a day is enough to feel the benefits of meditation.

Here are three of my favorite books on mindfulness:

  1. The Mindful Twenty-Something: Life Skills to Handle Stress…and Everything Else
  2. Mindfulness: How to Create Inner Peace, Happiness, and Declutter Your Mind
  3. Practicing Mindfulness: 75 Essential Meditations to Reduce Stress, Improve Mental Health, and Find Peace in the Everyday

21. Treat Yourself Like Those You Love

It may sound cliché, but the most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself. So why not pamper yourself like your best friend, mother, or loved one? It’s really one of the best ways to romanticize your life.

You should treat yourself the way you treat your loved ones—compliment yourself, ask yourself if everything is okay, pamper yourself, and wish yourself a good night.

Although it may seem strange at first, loving yourself is no different from loving others.

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a happy woman

22. Detox

Just as your body feels bad after eating junk food, so does your brain after consuming junk. The series you are watching, the podcasts you listen to, and the books you read will all feed you in exactly the same way as real food.

Make sure you choose the most nutritious options—stop watching series that seem like a waste of time and read books that inspire you. PS! This also applies to Instagram: pause or unfollow people who make you feel bad.

Do a detox. By this, I don’t mean a cleansing diet, but avoiding people who are constantly whining, knocking you down, or absorbing energy from you in any way.

Turn yourself off. Give yourself one day a week when you don’t open Facebook, check your email, or even look at your computer at all. Whenever possible, turn off your phone and give your brain a break.

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23. Write Love Letters to Yourself

Write heartfelt love letters to yourself. Express your admiration, resilience, and unique qualities. When you need a boost, read these letters as a reminder of your worth and the love you should always have for yourself.

24. Create a Cozy Reading Nook

Create a cozy reading nook, complete with soft pillows, warm blankets, and your favorite romance novels. This space will be your haven, a place to escape into the world of love and passion.

a happy woman

25. Take Long Walks in Nature

Take long walks in nature. Immerse yourself in the beauty that surrounds you. Breathe in the fresh air, listen to the soothing sounds of birds chirping, and appreciate the serenity.

Let nature’s charm rejuvenate your spirit and remind you of the wonders outside your worries.

26. Plan Candlelit Dinners for Yourself

Plan candlelit dinners for yourself or invite a loved one to share in this intimate experience. Set a beautiful table, prepare a delicious meal, and savor each bite.

The soft glow of the candles and the warm ambiance will create a moment of pure romance and self-indulgence.

27. Watch Sunsets or Sunrises

Make it a habit to witness the breathtaking beauty of sunrises or sunsets. Find a peaceful spot, pause, and observe the sky’s radiant colors.

As the sun paints the heavens, let the moment fill you with awe and gratitude for the simple wonders that make life extraordinary.

28. Write Affirmations

Write powerful affirmations that uplift your spirit and encourage self-love. Place them where you’ll see them daily—on your mirror, in your wallet, or as phone reminders.

Repeat these affirmations aloud, reinforcing positive thoughts and nurturing a mindset of self-acceptance and empowerment.

29. Send Handwritten Letters or Thoughtful Gifts

Surprise friends and loved ones with handwritten letters or thoughtful gifts. Share your appreciation and admiration for their presence in your life.

These small acts of kindness will not only brighten their day but also remind you of the joy that comes from spreading love and happiness.

a happy woman

30. Write Down Your Dreams and Create a Vision Board

Write down your dreams and aspirations. Then create a vision board to bring them to life. Collect images, words, and symbols that represent your desires and arrange them on a board.

This visual reminder will inspire and motivate you to take steps toward manifesting your dreams. You can use that affordable corkboard to create your own vision board.

31. Keep a Journal to Document Your Thoughts, Dreams, and Experiences

Keep a journal where you can freely express your thoughts, dreams, and experiences. Pour your heart onto the pages, capturing moments of growth and reflection.

Through journaling, you’ll gain insight into your journey, foster self-awareness, and discover the beautiful story unfolding within you.

32. Take Up a Creative Hobby

Engage in a creative hobby that sparks joy in your life, whether it’s painting, writing poetry, or playing a musical instrument. Allow yourself the freedom to explore your artistic side and find solace in the process.

33. Write a List of Things You Love About Yourself

Write a list of things you love about yourself, highlighting your strengths, accomplishments, and unique qualities.

Read this list daily as a reminder of your worth and the incredible person you are. Let it serve as a reminder that self-love is a journey worth embracing every single day. If you’re having trouble with it, here are 100 reasons to love yourself.

34. Create a Playlist of Songs That Make You Feel Loved

Curate a playlist of songs that make you feel loved, inspired, and uplifted. Let the melodies and lyrics wrap around you like a warm embrace, filling your heart with joy and motivation.

Play this playlist whenever you need a boost or a reminder of the beautiful emotions that music can evoke.

a happy woman

35. Surround Yourself With Flowers and Plants

Surround yourself with the beauty of flowers and plants, whether it’s a vase of fresh blooms or a collection of potted greenery.

Their vibrant colors and natural fragrances will create a soothing and refreshing atmosphere, bringing a touch of nature’s tranquility into your space.

36. Create a Personal Ritual or Routine

Create personal rituals or routines that bring you peace and comfort. It could be a morning meditation, an evening gratitude practice, or a calming bath before bed.

These rituals will anchor you in the present moment and provide a sanctuary of self-care amidst life’s chaos.

37. Volunteer or Donate

Whether it’s helping at a local shelter, participating in community clean-ups, or contributing to a charity, these acts of giving back will not only make a positive impact on others but also bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to your own life.

38. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Practice random acts of kindness to spread love and positivity to others. Offer a kind word, lend a helping hand, or perform small gestures that make a difference in someone’s day.

By giving love freely, you’ll create a ripple effect of happiness and foster a sense of connectedness with the world around you.

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a pin for a blog post that talks about ways to romanticize your life

FAQ: What Does It Mean to Romanticize My Life?

So, first of all, what does it mean to romanticize life? I think there’s no certain definition when it comes to this word.

You might have a different definition of it from mine, and that’s fine. I think that’s the beauty of life—everyone has their own interpretation of it.

A lot of people think romanticizing life means you buy flowers, write letters, and take bubble baths, and while that may be true, for me, it’s all about taking all those simple joys of life and turning them into something beautiful.

Romanticizing your life means seeing it in a positive and idealized light.

This can include appreciating the beauty and wonder of everyday life, focusing on the positive aspects of life, having this “main character energy,” and finding joy and meaning in life’s challenges.

You can romanticize your life by seeing the world and others in a positive light and having a hopeful and optimistic outlook on the future. This way of thinking can improve your enjoyment, fulfillment, and meaning in life.

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FAQ: Why Should I Romanticize My Life?

You don’t need a special occasion to celebrate your life.

Keep in mind that romanticizing life doesn’t imply ignoring or denying the negative aspects of it; rather, it means looking for the positive in everything and keeping the big picture in mind.

  1. Finding joy and meaning in life’s challenges can help you handle tough times better.
  2. Recognizing your ability to grow and improve can lead to personal growth and help you become the best version of yourself.
  3. Appreciating the little things in life helps you feel more grateful for what you have.
  4. Seeing the beauty and wonder in everyday moments can make life more fun and rewarding.
  5. Looking for the good in others can lead to better, more positive relationships.
  6. Romanticizing life is a creative and fun way to express your feelings and emotions.

These Are Some Really Good Ways to Romanticize Your Life With Ease

What do you think of this blog post about romanticizing your life? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear your thoughts.

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  1. Avatar for Diomayra


    Great post!!! There is nothing better than learning to prioritize ourselves. You have giving some simple and easy tips how to do it so.

  2. Avatar for Ella


    This was a fun post! You should always treat yourself well! 🙂

  3. Avatar for Amanda


    Really like “Visualize your goals and create you future.” I have done this several times when I felt like my life wasn’t on the path I wanted. It is so helpful to sit down and start making goals. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Avatar for Michelle


    Love this! I find it super important that in order to share love, we must first love ourselves. We must start with ourselves first before we can share with others.

  5. Avatar for Krysten Quiles

    Krysten Quiles

    This is such a lovely post, I need to take some of your advice for sure!

  6. Avatar for Amanda


    Great post! You have so much amazing wisdom packed into this post! I couldn’t agree more about the value of cutting out TV and caring for your body. And how important it is to think about what you think about. Focusing your thoughts on gratitude and positive immediately puts you into a better state of mind. Thanks so much for these great reminders!

  7. Avatar for Cori


    Spending time with your loved ones or being around people who are positive can really make an impact on your life. Such a great list and post!

  8. Avatar for Ryleigh (Ry)

    Ryleigh (Ry)

    I loved the post, it really helped me realize that it doesn’t take money to live your best life it takes YOU! It even led me to more of your amazing posts… which also helped!!

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