A List of 100 Good Habits for an Improved Quality of Life

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Let’s Talk About 100 Good Daily Habits to Form for a Better Life

This blog post talks about 100 good habits. I decided to come up with this blog post because, recently, I’ve been more involved in trying to find new, healthy personal habits to build.

Habits make up our lives. Habits are the basis of everything. It’s not possible to live a full life without positive lifestyle habits. It all comes down to habits. My goal is to become the best possible version of myself.

That’s one of the many advantages of these easy good habits to have—as I said, they’ll help you better yourself and improve the quality of your life drastically.

If you change your habits, you also change your life. I know you’re very eager to get started, so let’s get started with my list of positive habits to have every day to turn your life around.

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100 Good Habits to Have for a Better Life

1. Here Are Examples of Good Habits to Improve Life That Are Related to Your Physical Health

1. Avoid eating meat at least once a week because meat is difficult to digest and your body needs a break from time to time. If you still want to consume it, go for fish or chicken instead.

2. Exercise daily. It’s one of the best ways to stay healthy, and it only takes 30 minutes of movement a day to be active.

3. Establish a daily goal of 10,000 steps

4. Carry a good, leak-proof water bottle with you at all times. This ensures the needed daily water consumption!

5. Drink warm water with lemon in the morning. You don’t have to stop drinking coffee; just replace it with a glass of lemon water. You get some vitamin C while also compensating for the fluid loss caused by coffee.

6. Spend time in nature to recharge your energy levels. Being outside has a positive effect on your health due to the sun’s ability to increase serotonin levels. According to studies, even a short time spent in nature improves your mood.

7. Sit up straight and stand up straight. Sitting and standing up straight helps align your muscles, joints, and bones, removing any unnecessary strain. It’ll strengthen your core and provide additional spinal support.

8. Prioritize health and fitness. A healthy lifestyle entails balancing your body and mind. Make it a habit to feed your body well and exercise regularly. Get rid of all those bad habits or negative habits that are giving you a hard time.

9. Stretch. Stretching is beneficial because it keeps your muscles flexible and prepares you for workouts. It also helps you relax, increase your flexibility, and lower your injury risk.

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10. Bring your own lunch to work. Here’s a great (and safe!) lunch box to help you out.

11. Eat more healthily. I don’t even think I need to explain why eating healthily is among these 100 good habits that will improve your life. Eating healthier increases energy and mood.

12. Take your time to eat. Take your time eating, and don’t eat while answering emails or talking on the phone.

13. Don’t delay or skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast provides you with the necessary energy to begin anything important.

14. Take the stairs. If you have the option to use an elevator, don’t! Instead, take the stairs. Unless, of course, you live on the 30th floor.

15. Drink plenty of water. Since the human body is primarily composed of water, it needs a lot of fluids to run well throughout the day.

Create a reminder on your phone or smartwatch that will ring repeatedly every few hours if you forget to drink water during the day. Here’s the best motivational water bottle to inspire you in every situation.

16. Reduce your sugar intake. It’s fine to occasionally give in to your sweet tooth and indulge, but in this instance, we should opt for fruits or fresh treats without added white sugar, which is a quick-digesting carbohydrate.

17. Don’t consume alcohol, or consume it as little as possible.

18. Don’t eat fast food. Always prefer healthy food. Having a healthy diet can make a huge difference in your health and well-being, as the numerous health benefits of a nutritious diet can positively impact many areas of your life.

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2. Now Let’s Talk About Some Positive Mental Health Habits

1. Get more rest. Getting enough rest is critical to your overall health. I can assure you that it is a habit that will transform your life.

Your body and brain won’t function normally if you don’t get enough rest. To maintain a positive attitude, most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

2. Find some time to relax. It’s fine to relax in between tasks because those who don’t find time to unwind are more likely to overwork and get stressed.

3. Visualize. This is among the very good mental habits because it helps you focus on what you want. Everything you desire in your life is attainable. You simply have to keep visualizing, manifesting, and believing in this process.

4. Make it a habit to smile as often as possible. According to research, even a fake smile can fool our brain into thinking we are happy. That is why it is sometimes necessary to force yourself to smile.

5. Laugh. Put yourself in situations that will make you laugh. Laughter is effective because it reduces stress, improves mood, and even improves short-term memory.

6. Take naps. Saturday afternoon quality time with the entire family ensures that your body and mind can truly recover and rest from the week.

7. Don’t worry so much. Worrying doesn’t solve tomorrow’s problems, but it does rob us of our present peace.

One amazing way to tell if something is important is to ask yourself, “Will it matter in a year?” But what about three or five years from now? You shouldn’t be concerned if the answer is no.

8. Repeat positive affirmations to yourself. Repeating self-affirmations on a daily basis has been shown to improve mood and self-esteem.

9. Meditate on a regular basis. Meditating helps us focus and return to the present moment. As a result, it increases self-awareness. Try to meditate for 5 minutes every morning and night, gradually increasing the time as you become more comfortable with it.

10. Maintain a positive attitude. A truly optimistic person sees their entire life in a positive light.

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11. Always hug when you meet someone. Hug each other when you get home from work. Our bodies remember positive touch, which creates a sense of security and care.

12. Do breathing exercises. Breathing exercises are an excellent habit to develop because they help us to be more mindful, aware, and calm. They also alleviate stress and improve lung capacity.

13. Take some time to write down your emotions at the end of the day. Writing things down is very powerful because your brain processes what is written more slowly while you are writing, making it a kind of therapy. Here’s a self-care journal that helps you manage your emotions more easily.

14. Check in during the day. Call your partner and ask about their well-being. This is one of the best habits in life because you’ll be more familiar with their moods and feelings, making it easier for you to find a common language when you meet.

15. Make it a daily practice to spend at least ten minutes writing in a gratitude journal like this one to push negative self-talk out of your brain and make gratitude an automatic default.

16. Monitor your thoughts. Self-awareness is essential for overall well-being. The more you enjoy life, the more confident and content you’ll feel.

17. Start your day with gratitude. This is one of my favorite positive mental habits because if you wake up thinking that you are unhappy and that you’ll undoubtedly have a bad day, your mood won’t improve.

18. Have wonderful friends. The more you have close friends who always love, help, and support you, the happier you’ll be because you have a good support network. You don’t have to associate with people you dislike.

19. Tell other people, “I love you!” every morning. It’s a nice morning habit to have. This will give you a positive boost for the rest of the day and will also help you cope with stressful situations.

20. Take care of yourself first and foremost. If you’ve ever flown in an airplane, you’ve probably heard that in an emergency, you should put on your oxygen mask first for yourself, then for others. It’s the same with happiness. You cannot make others happy if you are unhappy.

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3. Some Good Habits to Build to Improve Life Through Organizing

1. Make better use of time by using a good stopwatch. It’s important to use the stopwatch method wisely and to take breaks in the meantime.

2. Make use of a notebook (here’s a REUSABLE notebook!). Always carry a notebook with you and jot down everything. It’s million-dollar knowledge you won’t get in business school.

3. Make your bed. Making your bed first thing in the morning gives you a better, more productive start to your day. To be honest, it also looks better.

4. Clean every day. Instead of cleaning your house one weekend a month, do some chores every day.

5. Create a nighttime routine. Having a good nighttime routine like mine is just as important as having a good morning routine. A nighttime routine helps you fall asleep and sleep better.

6. Take charge of your finances. Tracking your expenses is also one of the best habits to improve your life because it allows you to see where your money is going, what you’re spending the most money on, and how to cut back on unnecessary spending.

Here’s a budget planner that will help you take care of your money and achieve your financial goals.

7. Make plans for household chores. You should schedule domestic activities in advance so that they don’t consume the entire weekend.

8. Go grocery shopping once a week. It’s a great way to save you a lot of money and time. You’ll reduce impulse purchases because you’ll only go to the store once a week instead of every day.

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9. Take advantage of your mornings. If you get up before your family members, you’ll experience a surge of energy that you can put to good use, such as through exercise. This way, you can start the day with an active morning.

10. Do the dishes after dinner. Nobody enjoys a messy kitchen. If you let your dishes pile up, it’ll be much more difficult to clean them later, which means you’ll waste more water and time.

11. Come up with a meal plan. It’ll be much easier to create a weekly shopping list if you plan your weekly meals.

Also, if you sit down once a week to plan your meals instead of thinking about them every day, you’ll save a ton of time that you can put toward something more important. Here’s a meal planner that also includes grocery lists to make your life easier.

12. Make your plans the night before. Preparing the night before allows you to wake up earlier and more smoothly. Plan your day for the next day by writing down your schedule and important tasks in your planner.

13. Write things down on paper. Writing down important things in a cool wall calendar or notebook by hand helps you organize your life and remember things better. For example, I like writing my daily to-do list first thing in the morning.

14. Delegate everything that can be delegated. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Successful people ask, “How can this be done?” rather than “How do I do this?”

15. Keep everything in its proper place at home. The key to having an organized home is to have a proper place for everything.

That’s why I included it among these 100 good habits. If you know exactly where something is when you’re looking for it, you’ll save a lot of time.

16. Plan and organize your days. Planning and scheduling your days helps ensure that they are productive and efficient. If you write something down, you are more likely to follow through on it. Learn to organize your life in just one week.

17. Use the 90/90/1 rule. Essentially, you must develop a foolproof and continuous ritual for ninety days so that the first ninety minutes of your working morning are purposefully focused on the type of activity that provides the best opportunity to become a leader in your field.

18. Establish a billion-dollar morning routine. Having a proper morning routine is critical because it helps set the tone for the day. The way you spend your morning will have an impact on the rest of your day.

19. Divide large goals into smaller ones. Breaking down your bigger goals into small goals, actionable steps will help you focus on them and increase your chances of success.

20. Be well-organized. Devote one day per week to laundry and cleaning, meal preparation, and shopping trips. Have a daily cleaning routine that allows you to focus on other activities during the day.

21. Start putting money aside every month.

22. Plan ahead of time. Planning ahead of time and sticking to the plan has a positive psychological effect and increases feelings of satisfaction.

23. Make lists for everything. Here’s a list of super fun lists to make.

24. Finish the most difficult task first. If you put off the most difficult task until the last minute, you’ll spend the entire day worrying about it. Get it done first thing in the morning, and you’ll have a less stressful day.

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4. There Are Also Some Positive Personal Habits Among These 100 Good Habits

1. Train your brain. Exercising your brain keeps it sharp and healthy, and it improves its functions, such as memory and focus. It’s a good habit to incorporate into your daily routine.

2. Teach someone something new every day. We all have unique gifts and natural elements that can help those around us. What you find simple may be extremely difficult for someone else.

3. Do something that frightens you. The goal of this life upgrade is to push you out of your comfort zone and give you back control of your life.

4. Read a book. Reading is a pleasurable activity. Buying an e-reader like the Kindle and reading e-books is a good, semi-green option. E-readers are not cheap, but they pay for themselves in the long run.

5. Do good. Being truly kind to others is among the great habits to have because it improves your own and others’ well-being.

A simple compliment, holding the door open for someone, buying a stranger’s coffee, or any other small act of kindness will make you feel good all day.

6. Donate to charity or help those in need. We must support each other more than ever. Besides, helping others feels great! Donate food to the food bank, money to aid organizations, or blood.

7. Set daily goals and stick to them. Have specific goals and an action plan for achieving them. Setting a goal should motivate you, but completing it will undoubtedly bring you joy.

Here’s the only life and goal planner that you need to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

8. Learn new skills. Your weekend should be distinct from working hours, which is why it’s beneficial to devote your free time to hobbies and activities that you would not have time for otherwise. Learning new things will have a huge impact on your confidence.

9. Do something beneficial to the environment. Every day, try to do something good for the environment, such as using less water, conserving energy, lowering your carbon footprint, recycling, or picking up trash on the beach.

These are small actions that can have a big impact on the world.

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10. Challenge yourself. Always strive for more in all aspects of life. Approach challenges with confidence and overcome them fearlessly, raising the bar each time. Participate in my one-month comfort zone challenge to push your limits.

11. Say no to almost everything. You must decline the offer if it doesn’t pique your interest. It’s among these 100 good habits for success because we often tend to forget that we only have 1440 minutes in a day; don’t waste them.

12. Establish traditions. Happy families frequently have their own traditions that don’t need much preparation. Such customs foster happy memories and feelings of fulfillment.

13. Be sympathetic and kind. Being good and doing good have a significant impact on everything around you. Don’t take anything for granted, because nothing lasts forever.

14. Start with a 60-minute learning program, which means that you don’t go to bed without having learned something for at least an hour that day.

15. Keep up with current events. I believe that keeping up with the news and being aware of what’s going on in the world around us is critical. However, choose your sources wisely and avoid yellow journalism and gossip websites.

16. Live every day as if it were your last. While planning is essential, we must also remember to appreciate the present moment. We never know when our lives will end; we should live each day as if it were our last, filling it with joy and love.

17. Spend at least half an hour each day doing something you enjoy.

18. Join the five o’clock club and dedicate your victory hour to organizing your mind, cleansing your heart, improving your health, and elevating your spirit. The way you start your day has a profound impact on the rest of your day.

19. Take more photos every day.

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20. Apply high-quality sunscreen every day. Even if it’s cloudy or raining, you should wear sunscreen every day because UV rays can still penetrate the clouds, and your skin will absorb the majority of these harmful rays.

21. Surround yourself with people who share your values. Only allow positive people into your happy life who inspire you to be better and from whom you can grow and learn.

22. An hour before going to bed, take the cord out of the wall. Take your sleep more seriously and read a book instead of scrolling through social media. Take a warm bath instead. You can also participate in my 30-day no social media challenge.

23. Keep it simple. Living a minimalist lifestyle entails doing less. This doesn’t mean that you must discard all of your possessions. Less is more, so start small.

24. Limit your TV time to no more than 30 minutes a day. You’ll remember what happened in real life rather than what happened on television. So, turn off the TV or computer and go outside.

25. Try something new every day. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. It’s frightening, but in my opinion, standing still and not evolving is far scarier.

26. Do your own manicure and pedicure. Here’s a great manicure kit that will help you save money.

27. Take frequent breaks from work. Taking a break allows you to reflect on your blessings and look forward to the exciting events ahead.

28. Try to do something selfless every day. It goes without saying that you reap what you sow. You change your own life when you have a positive impact on someone else’s.

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29. Spend more time with your family and less time in the modern world. Limit your screen time and spend it with your loved ones instead; while work is important, family time is ultimately more important.

30. Listen to educational podcasts. Educational podcasts teach you new information. They’ll make you smarter by broadening your knowledge, and they’ll provide you with the extra motivation you need.

31. Take cold showers every now and then. Refreshing, isn’t it? It’s also a good way to step outside your comfort zone.

32. Eat at the same table as the rest of the family. It’s one of those 100 healthy habits that will help you bond with your family more and more.

33. Do something fun on Sunday nights. Having something to look forward to on Sunday night helps you forget about the upcoming work week. Here’s my Sunday night routine that will change your life!

You can start a new Sunday evening tradition, such as having a large dinner with your family, practicing yoga, or looking for volunteer opportunities. Here are also the best Sunday habits for a productive week.

34. Pay in cash. This reduces consumption and environmental pollution by allowing you to avoid impulse purchases.

35. Constantly work on self-improvement. Never stop learning and reading, because knowledge is power. Always strive to be the best version of yourself.

36. Say goodnight to other people every night. Even if you have disagreements or are angry, it demonstrates to other people that you care about them and that your relationship is important to you.

37. Consistently drive at the legal speed limit. It probably goes without saying that constantly exceeding the speed limit endangers other road users and pollutes the environment significantly more than staying within the speed limit.

38. Learn how to say “no”. That’s the habit I’m ending this list of positive habits to develop with. Learning to say no allows you to devote more time to the things that truly matter.

Don’t be afraid to say no, and don’t feel bad about saying no. Keep in mind that you can do anything, but not everything.

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a pin for a blog post that talks about 100 good habits

FAQ: What’s the Point of This List of 100 Good Habits, and How Do I Get Started?

Start Small

Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? The same goes for habits. Start by picking one or two small habits that you want to develop.

It could be something as simple as drinking more water, reading for 15 minutes every day, or taking a short walk after dinner. Small steps lead to big changes!

Set Achievable Goals

It’s important to set realistic goals when it comes to forming habits. Make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals).

For example, instead of saying, “I want to exercise more,” set a goal like, “I will go for a 20-minute walk every morning before work.”

Create Reminders

We all get caught up in the busyness of life, so it’s crucial to create reminders to help you stay on track.

Set up reminders on your phone, use sticky notes, or find a habit-tracking app that suits your style. These reminders will keep you accountable and help you stay focused.

Find Your Motivation

Ask yourself why you want to develop these habits. What’s driving you? Maybe you want to be healthier, more organized, or simply happier.

When you have clear motivation, it becomes easier to stay committed and push through any challenges that may arise.

Embrace the Power of Consistency

Consistency is the secret sauce when it comes to building healthy habits. Try to practice your chosen habit every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Consistency creates momentum and eventually turns your habits into second nature.

Be Patient and Kind to Yourself

Forming habits takes time, and setbacks are normal. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day or face obstacles. Instead, focus on getting back on track and keep moving forward. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem.

FAQ: What Are Habits?

A habit is an action or repetitive behavior that you perform on a regular basis—usually automatically.

Your daily life is the way it is because you make decisions. Every outcome is the result of a decision. Every decision starts with a behavior that becomes a habit over time.

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FAQ: How Do I Develop Positive Daily Habits?

Let’s talk about habit formation. Developing new habits and making positive changes may appear difficult and complicated, but it’s not.

First and foremost, you must convince yourself that making too many drastic changes at once is not a good idea.

Do Your New Habit Immediately After or Even During Another Activity

It can be difficult to remember a new activity at first. It’s much easier to connect your new habit to an existing activity that you already do every day than to try to do something new out of nowhere.

That’s called habit stacking. You’ll remember that you needed to do something else this way.

The formula is the following: “I’ll do (new habit) after (current habit). For example, “After brushing my teeth in the morning, I will go for a run.”

It’s Also a Good Idea to Make Reminders for Yourself

If you start a new activity in a specific location, leave a post-it note or something else to remind you of it. Set up a reminder on your phone if the activity is time-sensitive.

I recommend that you also inform others about your plan so that they can remind, motivate, and possibly force you to follow through. It also works if you announce publicly that you are forming a new habit.

In other words, you accept the responsibility of completing the task because you promised to do so.

Make Your New Habit as Simple as Possible

If you need tools for this activity, keep them close by so you don’t have to go far. For example, if you want to drink more water, keep a water bottle nearby.

Prepare your workout clothes in the evening if you want to go for a run in the morning. You can also use a habit tracker like this one to ensure you’re staying on track.

Make It Noticeable

Make a list of your current personal habits so you are aware of them. For example, I’d like to develop the great habit of drinking more water.

Then I have to write down my intention. When, where, and what do I do? For example, “I will drink a cup of water every two hours.”

Make It Enjoyable

Adapting new behaviors isn’t always easy, but when we have a rewarding experience, we’re more likely to repeat the behavior.

Because your brain craves immediate feedback, reward yourself. Make a motivational ritual for yourself. Do something fun right before a difficult activity.

Apply the Two-Minute Rule

The most important thing is to, at the very least, start the activity. Run for two minutes, write a book for two minutes, or meditate for two minutes.

You’ll most likely do this activity for a longer period of time, but even doing it for two minutes will help you form a new habit.

Now it’s time to go back to my examples of good habits that will hopefully help you become a better version of yourself!

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These Are 100 Good Habits That You Should Practice for a Better Life

That’s it for this blog post about 100 habits that are guaranteed to change your life. Which are the most useful, simple daily habits that you practice? Would you add anything to this list of good habits for improving your life? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Avatar for Gabby olivera

    Gabby olivera

    I love this post! You have such a great outlook on life and I love that you are sharing that with others! You are awesome!

  2. Avatar for Sandra


    Really great list! Love your blog and topics you cover.

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